The protox library ( has been tested using the conformance checker provided by Google. Note that only the protobuf part is tested: as protox doesn't support JSON output, the corresponding tests are skipped.
Here's how to launch the conformance test:
Get conformance-test-runner sources (
Compile conformance-test-runner:
tar xf protobuf-3.6.1.tar.gz && cd protobuf-3.6.1 && ./ && ./configure && make -j && cd conformance && make -j
mix protox.conformance --runner=/path/to/protobuf-3.6.1/conformance/conformance-test-runner
. A report will be generated in a file namedconformance_report.txt
. If everything's fine, the following text should be displayed (protobuf 3.6.1):CONFORMANCE TEST BEGIN ==================================== CONFORMANCE SUITE PASSED: 388 successes, 431 skipped, 0 expected failures, 0 unexpected failures.
needs an executable which reads and writes on standard i/o. Thus we wrote an escript that wraps protox.