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What is dhall?

Dhall is a strongly-typed programmable configuration language that can be used either directly or converted into other formats such as JSON and YAML. See for more details.

Why this repository?

This repository contains useful generic dhall packages that can be reused. The idea is to facilitate package discovery and provide versions containing packages compatible to each other.

This repository maps to version 15.0.0 of the dhall standard, and therefore requires dhall 1.31.0 or later.

What does this repository contain?

How to use this repository

You can import all the packages by doing (it's better if you freeze the import and point it to a specific commit):

let packages =

and then you can use it in your application like this

let packages =

let argocd = packages.kubernetes.argocd

let k8s = packages.kubernetes.k8s.`1-15`

in  argocd.Application::{
    , metadata = k8s.ObjectMeta::{ name = "hello-app" }
    , spec =
        , project = "hello-project"
        , source =
              , repoURL =
              , path = "kubernetes"
              , plugin = argocd.PluginSpec::{ name = "dhall-to-yaml" }
        , destination =
            , server = "kubernetes.svc.local"
            , namespace = "default"

If you don't want to download the entire packages collection, you can simply reference the package.dhall file in the directory you are interested in. This will greatly improve performance if you are only using a subset of the packages.

Note: if you use this repository for kubernetes and you are converting to YAML, you should run

dhall-to-yaml --omit-empty

Binary cache

Each release contains a cache.tgz file with the cache of the whole package. You can download it and save the content into your $XDG_CACHE_HOME (~/.cache if unset) and use it as cache to speed up resolution.




The repository is actively maintained but in alpha stage, expect breaking changes.

Hat tip

We are standing on the shoulders of giants. This project wouldn't be possible without: