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Notes Bulk

Dirk Roorda edited this page Oct 20, 2021 · 7 revisions

You can upload big note sets in bulk.


Only if you are logged in and member of the bulk-uploader group.

Mail the admin for a request to become member of that group.

For admins: see the techdocs to add a user as a bulk uploader.


The notes you want to upload must be stored in a CSV file with the following specifications.


The file size is at most 20 MB, its type must be recognized as text/csv. Give it the extension .csv. The file must be tab-separated, there can be no tabs or newlines inside fields.

Updating/deleting a bulk upload

You can update and delete a bulk upload. This is the general rule: Before inserting the notes of a new bulk upload, the previous notes will be deleted. So, if you want to replace a bulk-uploaded set with new values, just bulk-upload the new set. If you want to delete a set, just bulk-upload a set with just one note, with the keyword that you want to remove. Then remove the single new note manually.

Which notes are the previous notes exactly? There are the ones that satisfy all of the following conditions:

  • the creator is you
  • it is the result of a previous bulk upload
  • it has a keyword that occurs in the new set
  • it has a version that occurs in the new set

So if you bulk upload notes to say version 2017, then notes in all other versions will not be deleted. But if your new set contains even one single note in say 4b, all previous bulk-uploaded notes in version 4b will also be deleted, provided they satisfy the keyword condition.

Notes that are entered manually through the SHEBANQ interface, will never be deleted by a bulk upload!

Notes by other people will never be deleted by a bulk upload!

But changing notes manually that you have bulk-uploaded yourself, does not prevent them from being deleted this way.

Column names

The first line contains the name of the columns, exactly as follows: version book chapter verse clause_atom is_shared is_published status keywords ntext; every following line should have exactly the same number of fields.


One of the versions that is available in SHEBANQ, such as 4b or 2017 or 2021.

book chapter verse

  • book should be one of the bible book names, according to the latin name of the book, you can find this on SHEBANQ by switching to latin book names;
  • chapter should be a valid chapter number for the book in question;
  • verse should be a verse number not bigger than 200.

clause atom

The clause atom acts as an anchor in the text to position the note. The clause atom numbers can be found in SHEBANQ in data view. In text-fabric you have to use the number feature:


is_shared and is_published

These fields indicate whether the note is shared/published (value T) or not (empty value).


The field should contain one of the following characters:

  • o info
  • + good
  • - error
  • ? warning
  • ! special
  • * note


A space-separated list of names/words/strings. At most 128 characters in total. Each of the keywords acts as a name for your set of nodes.


The actual text of the note; at most 512 characters.

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