This repository contains genre data as a .csv and as a Text-Fabric file. genre_ranges.csv contains ranges of verses which correspond to consecutive chunks of genre. Both the start and end of the ranges are inclusive, i.e. part of the range. verse2genre.csv contains a simple verse label to genre mapping.
The Text-Fabric file contains verse node to genre mappings for use with the BHSA corpus in Text-Fabric.
The authors of the data are Dirk Bakker, Marianne Kaajan, Martijn Naaijer, Wido van Peursen, and Janet Dyk. The data was produced in the course of the NWO-funded research project (2013-2018) on syntactic variation in the Hebrew Bible.
Martijn Naaijer has provided the original dataset in his Phd repository as an excel file:
That spreadsheet, which is not machine readable, was manually converted into the genre_ranges.csv. The ranges are checked and matched with their appropriate BHSA verse nodes in ranges2tf.ipynb
The following values are tagged:
We use three basic categories:
for complete books. For example, Genesis isprose
, Psalms ispoetry
, Isaiah isprophetic
, etc. The labels are not based on formal criteria, but are intended to be coarse-grained, intuitive classifications, similar to what one might find in exegetical studies.Within prose, we added
. These are generally lists of people names. We also addedinstruction
, which is a general tag for (mainly) law texts. Finally, we changedprose
for pieces of poetry embedded in prose, such as in Genesis 49. -Martijn Naaijer