The goal of EMODnetBiologyMaps is to create ggplot2 maps of using the EMODnet style:
- Colors follow the EMODnet guidelines
- The default projection is EPGS:3035: ETRS89-extended / LAEA Europe
- When the map is saved as .png, the EMODnet logo is pasted in the final map.
You can install the development version of EMODnetBiologyMaps with:
- Export a gridded abundance map of anchovies (Engraulis encrasicolus):
# devtools::install_github("lifewatch/eurobis")
# Retrieve grid data for "Eriocheir sinensis" (AphiaID = 126426) using the eurobis package
points <- getEurobisGrid(aphiaid = 126426, gridsize = '1d')
# Render ggplot2 map
map <- emodnet_map_plot(points, fill = points$RecordCount, title = "Engraulis encrasicolus", subtitle = "AphiaID 126426", legend = "Abundance", zoom = FALSE, option = "viridis")
# Save with EMODnet logo
emodnet_map_logo(map, path = "./data-raw/map1.png", width = 198, height = 121, dpi = 300, units = "mm", gravity = "northeast", offset = "+650+200", color = TRUE)