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Code for converting raw EEG, fMRI, and behavioral data to standardized BIDs format.

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ToBids is a general Python tool developed for the Dynamic Brain and Mind Lab to convert raw neuro data to BIDS format. This tool provides a command-line interface for easy data conversion.

tobids version 1.4.0 is currently compatible with Brainvision EEG data (.eeg, .vhdr, .vmrk) and NIFTI fMRI data (.nii). Functionality for behavioral data is very specific to the needs of the Dynamic Brain and Mind Lab and will likely break for more general behavioral data. A future release will add an option to disregard behavioral data and only convert brain data.

All questions can be directed to Dave Braun:



Prior to setting up ToBids, you'll need the following programs installed:

You can verify whether each of these is already installed on your system by opening a terminal and typing the name of the program followed by --version, eg:

git --version

If the program is installed, the terminal will output the version number; otherwise, you'll see an error.

Installing dependencies

To configure the enviornment needed to run tobids, it's recommended to use conda and create a fresh environment to install all needed packages into. However, pip will work as well.

Using Conda

$ cd ~
$ git clone
$ cd tobids
$ conda env create -f environment.yml
$ conda activate eeg

Note that in order for the tool to run, you'll need to have the eeg environment activated. See here for more about managing conda enviornments.

Using Pip

$ cd ~
$ git clone
$ cd tobids
$ pip install -r requirements.txt

The following might be necessary If you encounter issues where tobids can't find required modules, try running the line below.

$ cd ~/tobids
$ pip install .

Add ToBids to path

For convenient command-line usage, a reference to tobids needs to be created in a directory that's included in your $PATH. You can do this with or without using admin privileges.

Admin privileges required

$ sudo ln -s ~/tobids/ /usr/local/bin/tobids
$ chmod +x ~/tobids/

Admin privileges not required

$ mkdir -p ~/.local/bin
$ ln -s ~/tobids/ ~/.local/bin
$ chmod +x ~/tobids/
$ export PATH="$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH"


tobids has as its only required argument the path to the directory containing the original raw data.

To execute tobids, run the following command:

tobids path/to/raw/data/dir <optional/path/to/bids/dest/dir>

tobids requires that the path to the original data is specified. You can optionally supply the path to where you would like the output data to be created. If you don't supply a path for output data, tobids will create one in the directory in which the program was called using the name you provide for the name of the data.

After the BIDS directory is completed and populated with all necessary files, tobids will run the bids-validator tool created by the BIDS team to ensure all files are BIDS compatible.

Source data format

In general, it's best to include in the source data folder only the minimum amount of data needed to perform the conversion. This makes things less complicated for the tool and eases the burden of transfering data.

tobids makes several assumptions about the structure of the source data that the user points to. The top-level directory that contains this data will be referred to as the root directory. The root directory can have any name.


  • Subject inference. Directories containing all data for each subject need to be one level under the root directory (eg, my_source_data/subject_01). The subject directories just need a number somewhere in the directory name to be used as the subject label; otherwise the exact naming convention doesn't matter. This means no other directory should have a number in its name and be one level under the root directory.

  • Session inference. If there are sessions, session directories need to be one level under the subject directories (eg, my_source_data/subject_01/session_01). There need to be the characters 'ses' (case insensitive) somewhere in the directory name and also at least one digit somwhere in the directory name. 'sess' can be a segment of a longer word, so 'session' is fine. This means that no non-session directory two levels under the root directory can have the characters ses and a digit anywhere in its directory name.

  • Task inference

    • EEG. For labeling tasks for EEG data, the program will assume that EEG data files are stored one level under a directory labeled according to the task performed (eg, my_source_data/subject_01/.../GradCPT/my_file_name.eeg). The entire name of this task directory is used as the "task" argument in the BIDS filenames.
    • fMRI. For labeling tasks for fMRI data, the program will look for the word immediately following the word "BOLD" in the directory name where all the scans are (ie, fmri root). For example, given the directory 12_BOLD_ExperienceSampling_run1, the program will infer the task name to be ExperienceSampling.
    • Behavioral:
      • All files matching the pattern *_city_mnt_*.mat are GradCPT data.
      • All files named ptbP.mat are experience sampling data.
        • These files should have the subject and run number somewhere in the path matching the pattern: [Ss]ub[-_]\d+, and same for run.
        • These files should have a corresponding file in the same directory matching the pattern: *_P.mat storing additional timing information.
      • All other .csvs in the root directory are assumed to be experience sampling data. This is a strong assumption!
  • fMRI root inference. The fMRI root is the directory containing subdirectories for all scans within a session. The program will search within a single subject's session for a directory containing subdirectories that contain the following keywords: BOLD, AAHScout, Localizer, and B0map (case sensitive). The program needs to be able to find at least one subdirectory for each of these keywords, and all subdirectories that are found need to contain at least one .nii file. The program will search for one and only one fMRI root directory. In other words, make sure all scans for a single session are in one directory.

  • For a single subject's session, there should be exactly 1 T1w .nii file and 3 B0map .nii files. There are no restrictions on how many functional .nii files there can be.

Release notes

See the for detailed release notes.

Still to do

  • Make the tool more amenable for subject-by-subject conversion.
  • Make more use of pathlib.BIDSPath in the writers.
  • Parallelize coversion across CPU cores
  • Add option to disregard behavioral data.


Code for converting raw EEG, fMRI, and behavioral data to standardized BIDs format.






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