__ __ __ __ __ __
<(o )___ <(o )___ <(o )___ <(o )___ <(o )___ <(o )___ GOD BLESS AMERICA
( ._> / ( ._> / ( ._> / ( ._> / ( ._> / ( ._> / JULY 4TH, 1776
`---' `---' `---' `---' `---' `---'
This module is designed to route and set the Video Wall Scaler Modes for compatible DM devices. The layout of the video wall is 4 wide by 2 tall, and using (X,Y) coordinates, X1-Y1 would be the top left, and X2-Y2 would be the bottom right. I only account for a 16:9 aspect ratio, so when a set of displays are set to a single display, it will be 2x2. See MODES for layout examples.
To be clear, this module DOES NOT route a video source to the full 4x2. It will only route in 2x2 quadrants.
The outputs of your video wall needs to be as depicted:
When you set a Video Wall Mode, the routes are saved in a structure. When changing Video Wall Modes, these routes will be recalled if the mode has been used before. This is to prevent routing artifacts from occurring.
For example:
- default Mode 1:
- user routes input 2 to A
- user routes input 3 to B
- user sets Mode 2:
- user routes input 4 to 1
- user routes input 5 to 2
- user routes input 6 to 3
- user routes input 7 to 4
- user routes input 8 to B
- user sets Mode 1:
- Module will route input 2 to A
- Module will route input 3 to B
- user sets Mode 2:
- Module will route input 4 to 1
- Module will route input 5 to 2
- Module will route input 6 to 3
- Module will route input 7 to 4
- Module will route input 8 to B
"MODE" Valid Ranges:
Scaler Modes Analog Values:
- X1-Y1 = 2211d
- X1-Y2 = 2212d
- X2-Y1 = 2221d
- X2-Y2 = 2222d
The following analog inputs are valid when routing sources to outputs:
- CHANGE TO "Source_##_val#"
- EFFECTS "DEST_X#-Y#_Source_val#"
Mode 1:
- Source_01_val#
- DEST_X1-Y1_Source_val#
- DEST-X1-Y2_Source_val#
- DEST_X2-Y1_Source_val#
- DEST_X2-Y2_Source_val#
- DEST_X1-Y1_Source_val#
- Source_05_val# = DEST_X3-Y1_Source_val#
- DEST_X3-Y2_Source_val#
- DEST_X4-Y1_Source_val#
- DEST_X4-Y2_Source_val#
- DEST_X3-Y2_Source_val#
Mode 2:
- Source_01_val#
- DEST_X1-Y1_Source_val#
- Source_02_val#
- DEST_X1-Y2_Source_val#
- Source_03_val#
- DEST_X2-Y1_Source_val#
- Source_04_val#
- DEST_X2-Y2_Source_val#
- Source_05_val#
- DEST_X3-Y1_Source_val#
- DEST_X3-Y2_Source_val#
- DEST_X4-Y1_Source_val#
- DEST_X4-Y2_Source_val#
Mode 3:
- Source_01_val#
- DEST_X1-Y1_Source_val#
- Source_02_val#
- DEST_X1-Y2_Source_val#
- Source_03_val#
- DEST_X2-Y1_Source_val#
- DEST_X2-Y2_Source_val#
- DEST_X3-Y1_Source_val#
- DEST_X3-Y2_Source_val#
- Source_07_val#
- DEST_X4-Y1_Source_val#
- Source_08_val#
- DEST_X4-Y2_Source_val#
Mode 4:
- Source_01_val#
- DEST_X1-Y1_Source_val#
- DEST_X1-Y2_Source_val#
- DEST_X2-Y1_Source_val#
- DEST_X2-Y2_Source_val#
- Source_05_val#
- DEST_X3-Y1_Source_val#
- Source_06_val#
- DEST_X3-Y2_Source_val#
- Source_07_val#
- DEST_X4-Y1_Source_val#
- Source_08_val#
- DEST_X4-Y2_Source_val#
Mode 5:
- Source_01_val#
- DEST_X1-Y1_Source_val#
- Source_02_val#
- DEST_X1-Y2_Source_val#
- Source_03_val#
- DEST_X2-Y1_Source_val#
- Source_04_val#
- DEST_X2-Y2_Source_val#
- Source_05_val#
- DEST_X3-Y1_Source_val#
- Source_06_val#
- DEST_X3-Y2_Source_val#
- Source_07_val#
- DEST_X4-Y1_Source_val#
- Source_08_val#
- DEST_X4-Y2_Source_val#