A Serilog' sink that writes event to SignalR Hub.
Inspired by serilog-sink-signalr, I decided to rewrite it because this latter is not fully compatible with Microsoft.AspNetCore.SignalR.Core.
The hub to use with the Sink must be strong-typed and must extend the interface ISerilogHub. An example is as follows
public SerilogHub : Serilog.Sinks.SignalR.Core.Interfaces.ISerilogHub
An example sink' setup is as follows
var hub = ServiceProvider.GetService<IHubContext<SerilogHub, ISerilogHub>>();
Log.Logger = new LoggerConfiguration()
formatProvider: new CustomFormatProvider(),
groups: new [] { "group1", },
userIds: new [] { "user2", },
excludedConnectionIds: new [] { "1", }
app.UseSignalR(conf => {
In the client code, subscribe to the PushEventLog
var connection = new HubConnectionBuilder()
connection.On<string>("PushEventLog", (string message) => {
In the package it's also available an abstract base hub (BaseSerilogHub), that can be extended and that gives some utility functions (like SubscribeToGroup). Hence, feel free to extend that class if you want.