#kissPhoto Features MIT License, Copyright (c)2021 kissPhoto
File renaming, renumbering, photo and video-clip sorting - but keep it simple stupid
Rename files like in a word processer's table: move around with the cursor, search and replace + mass rename, renumbering and sorting
photo management and photo showing without any additional files or database
File content is never* changed
- the files will just be renamed (description changed)
- or moved to a "deleted" sub folder (when deleted over the GUI)
- *just jpg rotation will really change the file: but of course it is lossless!
self containing: all information is in the picture files, filenames or directory names. So your editing will be effective in all platforms and programs also without kissPhoto
auto numbering: file order can be changed while file numbering is maintained
file date maintaining
mass renaming for filenames, EXIF-Info and time-stamps
rotate jpegs lossless
The viewer treats movie clips like moving photos (like in Harry Potter's newspapers ;-)
zoom in/out pictures and videoclips
runnable on all PC platforms which support JavaFX, native installations for Windows and Debian
optional seamless vlc support: play virtually all playable files if vlc is installed on the system additionally
Follow this link to go to the user manual:
click here to open User Manual
kissPhoto was programmed in Java with JavaFX and IntelliJ.
I am using Bell-Soft's "Full JDK" version of Open-JDK which already includes Open-JFX (JavaFX):
No maven and no gradle is necessary because dependencies are declared directly in IntelliJ (File-Project Structure). The .iml file with these settings has been checked in into Git. The libraries which I have used are supposed to be located just beside the kissPhoto folder, so that the settings in Project Structure will find them.
The advantage from not using maven/gradle is to having the control over what exactly is loaded from internet and what not and when. This makes it more transparent smaller (the maven cache does not grow and grow) and a lot faster
I am aware that not using maven/gradle has the disadvantage that all libraries have to be checked out manually from git. Therefore I describe in the following what needs to be imported:
For each module:
- Import from Github (push green Code-Button in Github. For this follow the link under the headline of the module, see below)
- In IntelliJ: Git-Clone...: paste location from above.
- Store in Directory beside kissPhoto
- it will be opened as a new IntelliJ-Project
- close the project
If all modules are loaded to the harddisk
- load kissPhoto again
- Remove from version control for kissPhoto via File-Settings...-VersionControl
Check in ProjectStructure
- Module should have been imported
- no dependencies should be listed
Used from MetaData-Extractor
Check in ProjectStructure
- Module should have been imported
- dependency on Module adobe-xmp-core should be listed
Used for reading and interpreting a pretty complete set of EXIF-attributes
Java Native Access
Check in ProjectStructure
- Library "jna" with classes should have been added
- jna\dist\jna-platform.jar
- jna\dist\jna.jar
Used from VLCJ-Natives and VLCJ
Check in ProjectStructure
- Module should have been imported
- dependency on Library JNA should be listed
Used from VLCJ
Check in ProjectStructure
- Module should have been imported
- dependencies should be listed
- on Module VLCJ-natives
- on Library JNA
Used from VLCJ-javafx and from kissPhoto as the adapter to libvlc.dll of Video-LAN's vlc player
Check in ProjectStructure
- Module should have been imported
- dependency to Module VLCJ should be listed
Used from kissPhoto for copying pixels from vlc to an JavaFX ImageView
(if VLC is installed it is used for Playback, if not then JavaFX is used for Playback, with very limited codec support)
Check in ProjectStructure
- Module should have been imported
- no dependencies should be listed
Used from kissPhoto for compatibility test of a media file by it's file extension
Passive Project
To include the fixes it has been included in kissPhoto\src and the Fixes from sourceforge.net/mediautil have bee "copied over"
Used for rotating jpgs + simple writing into exif fields
Check in ProjectStructure
- Module should have been imported
- dependencies should be listed
- module metadata-extractor
- library jna
- module vlcj
- module vlcj-javafx
- module vlcj-file-filters