视频链接: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1WnqqYyEzB/?vd_source=ab405eb800b446f6d678bf5b3c73f36a
We have tested the libarary in MacOS 13.6 and Ubuntu 20.04, but it should be easy to compile in other platforms. Other Prerequisites as below:
- c++14 Compiler
- Pangolin 0.8
- OpenCV 4.5.0
- Eigen 3.4.0
- Ceres 2.2.0
cd examples
./run_plucker.sh (对应视频第一节:参数化表示方法及三角化重建)
- line feature extraction & matching based on "LSD + LBD"
- line feature extraction & matching based on "GlueStick"