Pesterchum Alt. v2.5.3 builds
woo yeah yippee woo yeah woo woo yeah yippee 🎆🎆
Fixes 3 minor issues, see the changelog :3
Which version to download
- The Windows7+ build runs on Windows 7 and up.
- Build with Python 3.8.16 and PyQt5 for compatibility, running the Windows10+ version is preferred.
- The Windows10+ build runs on 64-bit Windows 10 and up. (so incl. Windows 11)
- Build with Python 3.10.9 and PyQt6, which only supports 64-bit systems. If you're running 32-bit Windows 10 you'll have to run the Windows7+ version.
- The macosx11+ build runs on macOS 11 (Big Sur) and up.
- Build with Python 3.10.9 and PyQt6.
- The linux64-glibc2.31+ build should run on distros with glibc 2.31 and up. (At least: Debian Bullseye, Ubuntu focal, etc.)
- Build with Python 3.10.9 and PyQt6.
- To run on a 32 bit distro, install your distro's equivalent of the python3-pyqt5 package and run from source, installing PyQt5 via pip is not supported on x86 architecture.
- The linux64-glibc2.36+ build should run on distros with glibc 2.36 and up. (Fedora/Arch-likes)
- Build with Python 3.10.9 and PyQt6.
File Checksums (sha-256)
a1fca907d3f40bf0da6f94c93c749486f3d09ebbdfb331945499b4f5f918b65c PesterchumAlt.-2.5.3-linux64-glibc2.31+.tar.xz
047d8bfa607ac1b6c95cbc42b7c1e28d071e09c10aef65a7ca08ef7f07af4d9a PesterchumAlt.-2.5.3-linux64-glibc2.36+.tar.xz