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Time tracking server

This is a simple Nest.js server that provides time tracking for user defined tasks.


Easiest way to use the server is with docker. Run make docker-compose, wait until Nest.js messages come up and then go to localhost:3000/ping where you should be met with pong message if everything goes well.

Another way is to install postgres locally and run make postgres-run followed by npm install && make dev (in another terminal).


Code documentation is available online on github. To get it locally, run npm install && npm run docs and open docs/index.html.

Server API documentation is available at localhost:3000/api when the server is run, or over at server's heroku instance while it is online. The API docs are generated with Nest.js/swagger, they are human-readable.

Tech stack

  • Server is built on Nest.js which also means Typescript.
  • The database is PostgreSQL wrapped with Sequelize.
  • Docs are generated with JSDoc/better-docs/nestjs/swagger/swagger-ui-express stack.
  • Testing is done using jest/supertest(Chai plugin), which are defaults for Nest.js.
  • For Continuous Integration, github actions are used.
  • CI makes use of server's docker image.
  • Server is deployed on heroku.
  • Docs are deployed on github-pages.

Possible improvements

  • Task creation is coupled with starting the task. We may want to support a separate call for creation because current API does not allow user to "plan ahead".
  • Would be nice to be able to fetch not just the current task, but all the tasks.
  • Support for multiple users is also desired.
  • Many tasks have deadlines, so it would be nice to support them as well.


  • Task shape is not specified. It is assumed to be a tuple of name, description, start time and end time.
  • Date format is not specified. It is assumed to be unix timestamp UTC.


GPL-3.0 or later.


Nest.js server for tracking tasks






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