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Releases: Dolibarr/dolibarr


28 Jul 14:14
Choose a tag to compare

FIX: 13.0 warning - missing quotes around 'label'
FIX: #16143 Old PG requires "()" on DROP FUNCTION
FIX: #16843
FIX: #17060
FIX: #17192 - With tz < 0, event is show in bad day on calendar views
FIX: #17363
FIX: #17476 releve.php: Fix SQL statement
FIX: #17967
Fix: #17906 : fix access denied
FIX: Accountancy - Import in general ledger
FIX: Accountancy - Quadra export - wrong data on credit
FIX: Accountancy - Warning on the pages of the preparatory statements of accounting entries
FIX: Add function price2num for rounding values in productAlertStock box
FIX: Add parameter to function price2num()
FIX: Cannot delete a batch material from item receipts
FIX: cast int
FIX: Change parameters MF to MS for price2num() function
FIX: create event from contact card preselect contact correctly
FIX: create sociales : keep values error form
FIX: dol_print_date for %a and %b with some timezone
FIX: email is not case sensitive
FIX: error for duplicate thirdparty found correctly returned by ws
FIX: Espadon PDF shippment model with long public note now working
FIX: esupplier order: error 500 when using packaging with product where it is not defined
FIX: Filter on debit/credit
FIX: Filter on supplier payment list
FIX: fix checkbox displayed according to module project setup parameters - work in progress
FIX: inconsistency in margin recording with option "Force to sale price"
FIX: invoice PDF generation after payment
FIX: mask selector fournisseur if module not activate
FIX: merge thirparty also work for bank URL entry
FIX: Missing extrafields into export of agenda record
FIX: missing parameter in select for POP
FIX: missing return edit if update error
FIX: missing token on dolGetButtonAction for action delete
FIX: payment creation: re-generate invoice PDF with correct display options
FIX: payment validation: invoices PDF were no re-generated, make it with correct display options
FIX: Periodicity by default on fiscal year, according to the now date, we have plus 1 year added
FIX: pgsql: prevent 'WHERE 1'
FIX: PHP version requirement in composer.json
FIX: project visibility field with two option
FIX: saving template email
FIX: search accented words in product description (consumption page)
FIX: Search on date in accountancy
FIX: selection of project for reception must use
FIX: shhhhhh ! There is nothing here...
FIX: Show input field checkbox selection
FIX: Show Ref.Supplier in LinkToObjectBlock
FIX: SQL Error show_contacts : socialnetworks
FIX: supplier order: error 500 when using packaging with product where it is not defined
FIX: test must be === and not ==
FIX: test on link type
FIX: type link extrafield case for advanced target emailing
FIX: Write right on document


28 Jul 14:13
Choose a tag to compare

FIX: 11.0 - $this->socid injected in query without checking for empty value
FIX: #16096 #16085 Any call of ajax pages must provide the token
FIX: #16296
FIX: #16325
FIX: #16341 : Fetch the Product ExtraFields in Shippment lines
FIX: #16366
FIX: #16393 Do not sanitize
FIX: #16420 #16423 #16488 #16477
FIX: #16431
FIX: #16465
FIX: #16480
FIX: #16485
FIX: #16487
FIX: #16503
FIX: #16530
FIX: #16533
FIX: #16629
FIX: #16671 Can not generate zip file of documents in backup tool
FIX: Add "Now" link on social charges creation card
FIX: avoid undefined URL and missing token
FIX: Bad project filter in ticket list
FIX: Buttons to disable bindings not working
FIX: class not found when creating recuring invoice from invoice+discount
FIX: File attachment on lots/batches
FIX: handling $heightforinfotot when he's superior to a page height on Supplier Invoice
FIX: hourglass and hide button to pay
FIX: massaction validate invoice do not regenerate PDF
FIX: missing mp4 video mime
FIX: picto on shipment to reset qty to 0. Some quantities were not reset.
FIX: Protection to avoid #16504
FIX: rounding amount on card updating
FIX: rounding amount on social charges card updating
FIX: select list dependencies now work for ModuleBuilder sellist field
FIX: status in popup of member in widget
FIX: status on tooltip on widgets
FIX: Timezone management for datetime on list of events
FIX: Timezone management for datetime with modulebuilder and extrafields
FIX: Total_ht not show in contract link element
FIX: use post instead get
FIX: use var "saved_url" instead global var "$url"
FIX: Various payment - Missing fields for check transmitter & bank name
FIX: warning if setup of chart of account is not yet done.
FIX: wrong extension


26 Feb 15:49
Choose a tag to compare

***** ChangeLog for 13.0.1 compared to 13.0.0 *****

FIX: 10.0 before crediting a withdrawal receipt, check whether it has been credited already.
FIX: 11.0 when a mandatory extrafield of type sellist contains '0' it should be considered empty and trigger an error message upon insertion
FIX: 11.0 when a new intervention is created from an object, a new $extrafields object is instantiated but not initialized
FIX: create MO, Column 'tms' cannot be null
FIX: #14290 #15900
FIX: #16076 patch user/list.php for extrafields
FIX: #16077 patch wrong timezone
FIX: #16079 error of service date at duplicated invoice
FIX: #16080 mailing list title
FIX: #16084 DB error at projects
FIX: #16107
FIX: #16118 Timezone problem on some fields
FIX: #16131
FIX: #16135
FIX: #16143
FIX: #16156
FIX: #16160
FIX: #16165 Create customer discount without vat
FIX: #16185
FIX: #16189, fix download/see check deposit PDF
FIX: #16215
FIX: Accountancy - label_operation is used instead of label_compte
FIX: Add critical price patch
FIX: Assignement of actors on tasks
FIX: Bad dates on info tabs
FIX: cash fence for takepos with multientity
FIX: CSRF errors on margin forms
FIX: encoding status in graph of vendor proposals
FIX: Fix detect dispached product and set to received completely when the supplier order have services (support STOCK_SUPPORTS_SERVICES)
FIX: Hide/Unhide external ICSS calendars
FIX: link to create event when task is in a project with a thirdparty
FIX: Localtax must be converted with price2num
FIX: manage price min for PRODUIT_CUSTOMER_PRICES
FIX: Missing language ico
FIX: Must not be able to edit vat of all lines if not draft
FIX: Bad "htdocs" found into a path
FIX: removed no more used proc update_modified_column_date_m on pgsql (its presence triggered errors)
FIX: Vulnerability report by Ricardo Matias
FIX: select default mail template
FIX: Select transport mode function when creating a supplier invoice and add unique key to the table llx_c_transport_mode in migrate sql
FIX: Merge of thirdparties : "unknow column fk_soc" + "Delivery" label
FIX: SQL Error in group by with postgres or mysql strict mode
FIX: TakePOS : load date function
FIX: Timeout during import
FIX: Trigger on expense report was not fired
FIX: User creation of expense report not visible
FIX: warning when adding a line if $remise_percent is an empty string
FIX: status late on purchase orders
FIX: ODT generation very slow
FIX: amount in summary of report
FIX: vat value when code contains number
FIX: payment term label on PDF
FIX: date selector when using reduced year (like on smartphone)


25 Jan 10:37
Choose a tag to compare

For users:

NEW: Add module "Credit transfer SEPA" to manage payment of vendors using bank credit transfer SEPA files.
NEW: Module Reception (for a more accurate management of your receptions) moved from experimental to stable.
NEW: Module Recruitment to manage Job position and applications.
NEW: Several security issues after a private bug bounty campaign.
NEW: Accountancy - add chart of sub accounts
NEW: Accountancy - add options to disable binding on sales, purchases & expense reports independently of the modules
NEW: Accountancy balance - add a menu entry to show subtotal by group
NEW: Accountancy - change menu disposition
NEW: Accountancy - on transfers, select the periodicity by default
NEW: Accountancy - Add export for Gestinum (v3 & v5) #15180
NEW: new currency rate editor
NEW: Solve blocking feature. Can increase stock of a Kit without changing subproduct stock.
NEW: add a widget to show the customers with outstanding limits reached
NEW: add 2 rules for emailcollector: Message send/not sent from Dolibarr
NEW: add a counter of number of words for pages in website module
NEW: add alert before changing thirdparty in TakePOS
NEW: add a page to list Stock at a given date in the past
NEW: add a start date to begin binding in accountancy
NEW: add a statistics page to list popularity of products on invoices
NEW: add calendar selection for agenda view
NEW: Support documents generation for ticket edition (PDF or ODT)
NEW: add column payment term into list of supplier invoices
NEW: add column quantity in product margin page
NEW: add column vat rate in page to define accounting account on product/service
NEW: add costprice in fields of products list
NEW: add employee link in expense report binding page
NEW: add EORI No. as ProfID5
NEW: add export for various payments
NEW: add Extrafields labels and values in mail on create ticket
NEW: add Extrafields support on ECM module
NEW: add filter rules "is answer" and "is not answer" in email collector
NEW: add focus when editing on product/stock/product.php Close #14548
NEW: add free text on each terminal of cash desk
NEW: add global search for customer payments and vendor payments
NEW: add global search for miscellaneous payments
NEW: add helper function for table headers with numbers
NEW: add link to edit property from the search result of website pages
NEW: add link to reset qty on supplier dispatch page
NEW: add MAIN_EMAILCOLLECTOR_MAIL_WITHOUT_HEADER const to remove header stored by email collector
NEW: add Manufacturing Orders attached files into the automatic ECM view
NEW: add margin info in invoice list
NEW: add mass action to set category on a list of website pages
NEW: add mass deletion for events
NEW: add mass deletion for draft invoices
NEW: add more filters on monthly statement list
NEW: add option to define a default warehouse at user level
NEW: add option to include products without alert in replenish
NEW: add order by lastname and firstname by default in get sales representatives
NEW: add param to not show links when output tags
NEW: add PDF document templates for warehouses (list of stock)
NEW: add a prospect status for the contact with managment of custom icon
NEW: add public note on products ; this also partially fix the #14342
NEW: add quick dropdown menu in top right menu (experimental with MAIN_USE_TOP_MENU_QUICKADD_DROPDOWN)
NEW: add region in export companies and contacts
NEW: add rights on margin info on invoice list
NEW: add search param for close date on order list
NEW: add show preview for mail attachement on form mail
NEW: add State/Province origin for products
NEW: add the workflow interaction close intervention on closing ticket
NEW: add third order printer to TakePOS
NEW: add tracking number in list and search_all items
NEW: add vcard for adherent and user
NEW: add week number for month view in agenda
NEW: Algeria data (VAT and forme_juridique)
NEW: allow click on all header numbers on commerce area
NEW: allow to reopen interventions (green button)
NEW: allow zero quantity on supplier/vendor order line
NEW: appearance tab in TakePOS with more visual parameters
NEW: better currency rate editor
NEW: can build vendor invoice from vendor orders
NEW: can change a product in lines of a recurring invoice or contract
NEW: can change size of logo on PDF documents
NEW: can change VAT rate of all lines of a draft object in one step
NEW: can define date range of validity of a login during creation
NEW: can disable, from edit page, the whole web site
NEW: can edit and set sales representatives directly on thirdparty card
NEW: can edit the list of sending email profiles
NEW: can enable/disable users in bulk actions
NEW: can filter on accounting system ref in export of chart of account
NEW: can filter on container type, language and tags in the list of web pages
NEW: can hide eatby, sellby dates with option PRODUCT_DISABLE_SELLBY and PRODUCT_DISABLE_EATBY
NEW: can import proposals, sales orders, supplier invoices
NEW: can set a dedicated SMTP config for sending email from public ticket interface
NEW: can set tags/categories to website pages
NEW: can set type of price without tax per default for new sale price creation
NEW: can use desired stock of a given warehouse for replenishment
NEW: change thirdparty with barcode scan in TakePOS
NEW: common behavior for monthly leave list view
NEW: convert all subscription in datetime
NEW: can create a thirdparty customer from TakePOS
NEW: date shipment from order accepts hours
NEW: price level compatibility for variant
NEW: delayed payment in TakePOS
NEW: display date range if exist in TakePOS
NEW: display resiliate status in TakePOS for member
NEW: display stat for BOM on "object referent"/linked Object product tab
NEW: Email configuration - allow auto signed certificate when smtp ssl activated
NEW: enable free emails input with select2
NEW: Events in agenda for contact
NEW: filter on progress column in task list
NEW: filter product list by country and/or state/province
NEW: format tickets sent by mail in public interface
NEW: form to add customer/supplier into categories
NEW: Framework is ready for CSRF token protection on explicit GET URLs
NEW: helper functions for export with phpspreadsheet
NEW: hide closed contract lines
NEW: hide label in PDF for variants
NEW: if specific help page is available, we change color of icon
NEW: include the tag editor of page as a popup into website editor
NEW: introducing new modal boxes in TakePOS
NEW: keep TakePOS terminal when login/logout
NEW: link on balance to the ledger
NEW: manage errors on update extra fields in ticket card
NEW: mass-actions for the event list view
NEW: Module Intracomm report
NEW: more filter for "View change logs"
NEW: multicurrency total in TakePOS
NEW: multiselect type and date to date filter
NEW: Nature of product is now a dictionay
NEW: new line template: hidden conf to fill service dates from the last service line
NEW: PDF model storm for delivery
NEW: possibilty to group payments by mode and show their subtotal
NEW: Print payment method and change in TakePOS
NEW: Priority and transparency from external calendar events
NEW: Products Import/Export 'default warehouse' and 'use batch number' fields
NEW: Purchase price table: added filterable table columns
NEW: rate editor for multicurrency
NEW: ref_ext field for Commande lines, order lines, Attributes and Combinations, Invoice lines, payments, order lines
NEW: remove new lines in mail on add ticket message
NEW: restrict thirdparty to customer in TakePOS
NEW: Rule "email to" accept wildcard *
NEW: Save filter of the project homepage
NEW: select-able columns on customer and supplier invoice paymnet list
NEW: select-able columns on miscellaneous payments + more data columns
NEW: select-able columns on social taxes list
NEW: send context and remove new lines on create ticket
NEW: show available stock in TakePOS
NEW: show category filter on lists only when user have rights to read categories
NEW: show header number and make it clickable in warehouse area, payment area, shipment area
NEW: show image of user in the combo select of users
NEW: show label on batch card
NEW: show links for select and multi-select in category extra field
NEW: show module and permission ids on user/group rights (only admin)
NEW: show place from events on import calender
NEW: show references in contract form on interventions
NEW: show tags and status in search list of website pages
NEW: show user on external calender events (when found)
NEW: subject title with company name instead of application title in ticket message
NEW: Support for Samba4 AD
NEW: TakePOS connector compatibility with RECEIPT PRINTERS module
NEW: TakePOS Gift Receipt
NEW: TakePOS Multicurrency compatibility
NEW: TakePOS Weighing Scale compatibility with TakePOS connector #14725
NEW: Third-Party Import new fields: mother company,outstanding debt limit,bank account,incoterms
NEW: Thirdparty module : box on customer/supplier tab for invoice outsantding amount late
NEW: ticket classification on create from email collector
NEW: Ticket message notifications when edited from public interface
NEW: translate classification labels in ticket
NEW: VAT rate for Angola #15606
NEW: VAT and juridical status for Algeria
NEW: VAT report - Invert constant to show by default zero VAT in reports
NEW: website page fields selection
NEW: website - global header of a website can also have dynamic content
NEW: when creating a user from a member linked to a thirdparty, you can choose to create it as external or internal user
NEW: ad...

Read more


26 Feb 15:51
Choose a tag to compare

***** ChangeLog for 12.0.4 compared to 12.0.3 *****
FIX: make formConfirm an addreplace-type hook
FIX: regex to remove 'action' parameter: taking feedback from PR#15213 into account
FIX: remove 'action' parameter from redirect URL when reordering lines on a document
FIX: error when displaying lines on order after adding a line if both MAIN_MULTILANGS and MAIN_DISABLE_PDF_AUTOUPDATE are activated
FIX: on survey creation, entity is always set to 1 ⇒ set it to $conf->entity
FIX: set entity to $conf->entity (instead of 1 by default) when creating a survey; otherwise the survey cannot be listed from the entity it was created on unless it is the main entity
FIX: the stringent XSS protection provided by 'alphanohtml' causes problems with some clients who used basic tags (bold, italic, underline) in product labels. Using 'restricthtml' instead could be a good compromise.
FIX: third party of object is not always fetched when initiating the e-mail presend action (e.g. from an order)
FIX: when the cronjob 'params' field is empty, the cron method is called with one empty string param instead of no params at all
FIX: XSS protection too stringent -> replace 'alphanohtml' with 'restricthtml'
FIX: #13067 including opening balance in calculation of displayed balance
FIX: #14326
FIX: #14649
FIX: #14901
FIX: #14927 Change ContratLigne property type to product_type
FIX: #14979
FIX: #15074
FIX: #15111 Fix special characters output in PDF
FIX: #15161 MO translation conflict
FIX: #15163
FIX: #15199
FIX: #15208
FIX: #15303
FIX: #15365 export of extrafields for user and resources
FIX: #15374 : "New" doesn't clear total amounts
FIX: #15501
FIX: #15572
FIX: #15590
FIX: #15618
FIX: supplier proposals as linked objects of events are not correctly fetched
FIX: when users create an event from a supplier proposal, the "linked objects" section says "Deleted"
FIX: Accountancy - Some ajustments on length of the account (general & auxiliary)
FIX: admin conf selected
FIX: also check if there is a method $object->fetch_thirdparty() before calling it
FIX: autofocus on first setup
FIX: Bad rigths to send contract
FIX: Better error message with IMAP when connection fails
FIX: Can create user but not update user with activedirectory
FIX: Can receipt of a product that required lot after disabling stock and
FIX: Can't create shipment for virtual product. Add
FIX: cant empty action comm desc
FIX: CA report by product/service : subcategory filter
FIX: Clean orphan records in llx_ecm_files into repair script.
FIX: default accountancy values and posted values
FIX: Deletion of expensereport + other generated object not complete.
FIX: disabled users must not be available in sales representative list on societe edit mode
FIX: Dol print error : conf usage thirdparty propagate extrafields to
FIX: Don't display inactive users in birthday box and company card
FIX: empty value is needed on filter list
FIX: enable HTML in product labels depending on conf MAIN_SECURITY_ALLOW_UNSECURED_LABELS_WITH_HTML
FIX: error 500 on cash closure
FIX: excess comma
FIX: Export FEC - Remove line at zero
FIX: extrafield required error after submit
FIX: filter on project list
FIX: force payment mode to withdraw
FIX: formating of prices with foreign languages
FIX: handling $heightforinfotot when he's superior to a page height
FIX: if no PDF default model in admin for expense report, do not create a PDF
FIX: invoice payment terms edition: error management
FIX: list of fields in list of recurring invoices was empty
FIX: load default linked options for linked sellist extra fields
FIX: Loan - Return on list when you cancel create form or delete a loan
FIX: Missing lang trans
FIX: no empty value in required extrafield
FIX: Param joinfiles not sanitized
FIX: Payment by BankTransfer
FIX: pdf_getlinetotalwithtax must show total incl tax
FIX: Problem on supplier payment card
FIX: product auto volume calculation
FIX: product customer prices: missing triggers in CRUD class
FIX: Request on purchase orders in timeout even on very small databases
FIX: set paid on total discount of a product in cash desk
FIX: several warning with the barcode use in ODT templates
FIX: SHIP MODE install v12 bug insert
FIX: stripe for connect mode
FIX: subcat filter
FIX: supplier invoice: automatically calculate payment term when modifying payment condition
FIX: table making extrafield input too small on advance target mailing
FIX: table making extrafield too small advtagertmailing
FIX: Unable to edit extrafields in expense report
FIX: update margins rates on object line edit
FIX: uses price2numjs
FIX: various payments: bad data handling for subledger account + useless db commit/rollback
FIX: virtual products: displayed value is by unit
FIX: virtual products: supplier discount was not applied in component list
FIX: warning for purchase order delivery late.
FIX: Warning on late purchase order delivery
FIX: wrong tab
FIX: Yogosha report 4425 (backport)
FIX: Yogosha report 4434 (backport)


23 Sep 18:16
Choose a tag to compare

FIX: 10.0 - when the mime file name is different from the filesystem name, the attachment name should be the mime filename
FIX: 11.0 - expenses lines overlapping the total amounts frame
FIX: 12.0 - round value of virtual stock on product stock reassort list
FIX: #14469
FIX: #14474 Error when deleting
FIX: #14530
FIX: #14703
FIX: - Accountancy balance Error SQL on entity
FIX: Bad number of subscription (forgotten when member was resiliated)
FIX: bad route url to delete subproduct with API
FIX: Category for suplements not saved
FIX: Compatibility with modules without document generation
FIX: Cron load lang
FIX: Error management. Do no try to approve PO if validation fails.
FIX: expenses lines overlapping the frame for total amounts.
FIX: Filter in "billed" of orders was not saved
FIX: infinite fetch object linked loop
FIX: Intervention lose html tags when updating
FIX: JS CRASH - bad usage of moreparam
FIX: lang fr retained warranty
FIX: Look and feel v12: First tab must be name of object
FIX: missing entity check
FIX: missing param for hook
FIX: Missing transaction on PO actions
FIX: MySql Strict mode
FIX: param entity in html form file
FIX: Problems on FEC format
FIX: round stock value on product list
FIX: - Send mail from contact : select mail model
FIX: set sales representatives on create company card
FIX: Setup of stock increase/decrease
FIX: sign of amount with credit note and multicurrencies
FIX: Static property called as non static
FIX: task leftmenu
FIX: title button attribute id empty
FIX: unit price divided by quantity when accepting supplier price proposal
FIX: Update extrafields on line only if it is supported
FIX: Update line of BOM
FIX: using decimal on stock correction
FIX: Visualization rights correction on last modified contacts box
FIX: Wrong redirection
FIX: Yogosha report 4425 (backport)


23 Sep 18:15
Choose a tag to compare

FIX: computation of the bottom margin of returns NaN because body is not loaded yet
FIX: DebugBar hides content at page bottom
FIX: allow more harmless html tags
FIX: Bad back to link
FIX: Bad param
FIX: Can go on page even when module is disabled
FIX: Change position of line in BOM
FIX: Checkbox "drop table" was not checked when using php method to generate backup dump
FIX: ClickToDial tab of users has disappeared
FIX: date in supplier price log tooltip.
FIX: Debug module direct debit order. Solve conflict with credit transfer
FIX: Debug setup of receipt printer module
FIX: dolGetElementUrl and agenda page for external modules
FIX: DO not erase variable $key and $label during output of extrafields
FIX: duration fields size with firefox
FIX: Edit extrafield of type long text loose carriage returns
FIX: Fails to retraive accounting code of social contribution sometimes
FIX: Filter too large for extrafields with type text or html
FIX: If using a rounding step, localtax1+2 not included in total
FIX: input field of extrafields must keep data if form submit fails.
FIX: Label of opportunities in graph with special chars badly encoded
FIX: locataxes lost on lines when cloning a vendor invoice
FIX: Look and feel v12
FIX: Missing PRODUIT_TEXTS_IN_THIRDPARTY_LANGUAGE conf support in supplier order
FIX: Navigation in object fails to find the next ref in some cases
FIX: null required
FIX: order by amount ht uses wrong column
FIX: Order by amount in product propal stats must be done on d.total_ht and not
FIX: page for confirmation of payments is empty
FIX: Param of fetch_name_optionals_label must be object->table_element
FIX: Picto of HRM module
FIX: product label and desc were never updated when modifying translation
FIX: redirect on contact card from main search
FIX: Reposition and nav
FIX: search warehouse list
FIX: Setup of clicktodial hang on smartphone
FIX: Setup of currency limit and accuracy
FIX: shipping creation: checks not done on weight and sizes
FIX: Should not be able to edit qty on shipment when no stock available
FIX: Size of image on the help popup of modules
FIX: Sql error on stat by referring entries of a product
FIX: Warning if no bank account defined
FIX: We need to see unit line on PDF even though it's an option
FIX: wrong element var for fetch_name_optionals_label function with expeditions
FIX: wrong link to third invoice templates
FIX: Disable svg as supported image by default (can contains javascript). Set MAIN_ALLOW_SVG_FILES_AS_IMAGES to 1 to have svg accepted
FIX: #14076
FIX: #14146
FIX: #14209
FIX: #14222
FIX: #14236
FIX: #14241 Mysql 8 compatibility
FIX: #14253
FIX: #14256
FIX: #14259
FIX: #14279
FIX: #14291
FIX: #14292
FIX: #14336


04 Aug 11:35
Choose a tag to compare

FIX: reposition was broken if url end with #anchor
FIX: 10.0 - fatal with postgreSQL
FIX: #14109
FIX: #14112
FIX: #14142
FIX: all extrafields cleared after update of one of them
FIX: Avoid warning when creating a module with already existing files
FIX: change selected fields on company card
FIX: Correct ModuleBuilder left menu
FIX: create a deposit with amount using comma didn't work
FIX: Entry from stripe intent were reported into SEPA payments
FIX: Filter on status, closing opening status
FIX: html lost on html extrafield
FIX: Label of popup on thirdparty
FIX: missing possibility to change entity when propal cloning
FIX: missing setup of extrafields for MO
FIX: Missing the tooltip when creating bank account
FIX: Missing token
FIX: non numeric value on comm/card.php
FIX: SQL Problem in customer invoice list
FIX: SQL Problem in social contribution list
FIX: SQL Problem in supplier invoice list
FIX: SQL syntax error when editing extrafields
FIX: Sql type
FIX: takepos 12 hook
FIX: Update form erased extrafields that were hidden
FIX: Update of extrafields date
FIX: Update of extrafiels on draft object
FIX: upload documents into manual ECM was reported a permission error
FIX: Use of office365 TLS with SMTPs method.
FIX: wrong origin
FIX: Permission error during import


03 Jul 00:10
Choose a tag to compare

FIX: $arraydefaultmessage is an object, as well as in /htdocs/core/class/html.formmail.class.php
FIX: 10.0 - pagination in prelevement/bons.php
FIX: 10.0 - undefined $langs if template file copy fails during activation of modContrat
FIX: 11.0 - fatal with postgres on contact/agenda.php
FIX: 11.0 - multicurrency amount not fetched when fetching payments from llx_paiement or llx_paiementfourn
FIX: 11.0 - when using pdftk as per hidden conf USE_PDFTK_FOR_PDF_CONCAT, check that the file exists before displaying a success message
FIX: #13841
FIX: #13877 - Can validate invoice if there is a credit note with VAT 0% on an invoice with other lines with a VAT non 0%
FIX: #13968
FIX: #14001
FIX: #14002
FIX: 9.0 - delete unused mandatory argument from migrate_clean_association: argument count mismatch causes a fatal error since php7
FIX: 9.0 - fatal during migration from 3.1 using PHP 7
FIX: Accountancy - Binding index - Add a filter on sql request for module Subtotal & Jalon
FIX: avoid error "Call to undefined function measuringUnitString()"
FIX: BlindBoolean SQL injection reported by Christian Weiler
FIX: Can create a credit note on situation invoice if previous is also
FIX: can install module even if (x) was appended during download.
FIX: copy value date of VariousPayment onto the new AccountLine
FIX: count of open day when date and start are not open should be 0
FIX: Default bank account was not loaded for document generation.
FIX: Do not show stats panel if the user does not have permissions
FIX: Fix link of the button to create a credit note and fix the awareness of a error that happen when wo create a credit note
FIX: force rounding 2 on export ld compta
FIX: free text on cash desk
FIX: links into emails of notifications
FIX: missing file manifest.json.php
FIX: missing GetNomURL Hook in warehouse class
FIX: missing hook init + table class + $page not set
FIX: missing rollbacks on trigger bad return
FIX: missing translation value for key "NoMorePredefinedProductToDispatch"
FIX: percent must be displayed on one line
FIX: php error if multicompany disabled
FIX: Privilege escalation reported by wizlynx WLX-2020-011
FIX: replace filter parameter "none" by "restricthtml"
FIX: Rounding Total TVA in "crabe" model pdf
FIX: Show ref_customer, amount on contract link object
FIX: Site has moved to https://
FIX: Tickets mail models doesn't work
FIX: vulnerability reported by wizlynx WLX-2020-012
FIX: We must only rename current bank receipt
FIX: when creating a VariousPayment, the value date is not copied onto the AccountLine that gets created at the same time, so the bank transaction's value date will be the payment date instead of the payment's value date
FIX: wrong url param
FIX: XSS using the renaming of .noexe files - reported by Nolan.


03 Jul 00:09
Choose a tag to compare

For users:

NEW: Module MO (Manufacturing Order) is available as stable module.
NEW: Receipt printer module moved from 'development' to 'experimental'
NEW: Add option MAIN_VIEW_LINE_NUMBER_IN_LIST for some lists.
NEW: add numbering module for TakePOS module
NEW: 2 new options when creating an invoice from time spent on a project : by period or by task
NEW: Accountancy add column thirdparty on binding page
NEW: Accountancy - Add Export for Fiducial Winfic eWinfic WinSis Compta
NEW: Accountancy - Add Export LD compta version 10
NEW: Accountancy - Add mode intra & export for product or service bought
NEW: Accountancy - Add possibility to manage a short alternative label for account - Use to simplify accountancy
NEW: Accountancy - General ledger - Add an option to search not reconciled lines
NEW: Add accountancy code of thirdparty in contact and supplier export
NEW: support webp image format
NEW: Add checkbox "overwrite if exists" into ECM/DMS module
NEW: add a link to notes in members list
NEW: add a parameter to group same products in TakePOS
NEW: add a parameter to sort product by label in TakePOS
NEW: Add a profil to import contact categories
NEW: Add company extrafields into order export
NEW: add const CASHDESK_FORCE_DECREASE_STOCK to force batch decrementation
NEW: add const TAKEPOS_NUMPAD_USE_PAYMENT_ICON to use icons on payment buttons
NEW: add csv separator setup in module admin
NEW: add dedicated substitutions keys for extrafields of type date and datetime
NEW: add default warehouse for dispatch
NEW: Add due date in feature "Export accounting documents"
NEW: Add duration information for fichinter
NEW: Start support of Dark theme into ELDY theme
NEW: Add field author public alias for blog post on website module
NEW: Add "finished" field on product list
NEW: Add French association chart of accounts 2018
NEW: Add French farm chart of accounts 2014
NEW: Add French foundation chart of accounts 2018
NEW: add global reduction in cash desk
NEW: Add graph type 'piesemicircle'
NEW: Add hook getInputIdProf. Better solution for #13228
NEW: Add hook on margin list page
NEW: add icon on payment buttons in cash desk
NEW: Add include various payments and loans in accounting report with simplfified accountancy
NEW: Add invoice stat graph and categ search
NEW: Addition of delivery times in substitution variables
NEW: add member to validate on dashboard
NEW: Add method to add social network sharing buttons on blog posts
NEW: add multicurrency columns to document lists
NEW: add numbering module for cash desk
NEW: add Opening Balance column to balance.php
NEW: add opportunity status in project stats
NEW: Add option PDF_USE_ALSO_LANGUAGE_CODE to generate PDF in 2 languages
NEW: Add option to hide all inactive users into combo list of users.
NEW: add PDF certificate if present on document folder
NEW: add product if only one found
NEW: Add product on key "Enter" in search bar
NEW: add professional ID 1 in sepamandate document
NEW: Add Project Ref Column on list of social/fiscal contributions
NEW: add Project Ref in events export
NEW: add public and private notes in propal list
NEW: Add social networks of the company
NEW: Add sorting for contacts of ... pages
NEW: Add subtitution variables for url of document in backoffice
NEW: Add tel and fax in warehouse card
NEW: add total of value in product stat
NEW: add total weighted amount in project list
NEW: add units in product list
NEW: add VAT ID in sepamandate document
NEW: add VAT rates in free zone for product/service in TakePOS
NEW: add weighted amount on project/opportunity
NEW: add width and height measures in product list
NEW: add WYSiWYG on member type's description
NEW: [Allow constants values to be overridden by environment variables]
NEW: Allow custom module class origine type in Mouvementstock
NEW: allow display extrafields on pdf
NEW: Allow extrafields on pdf : extend to line desc
NEW: allow time consumed to be linked to another task
NEW: Another way to navigate between pages for some lists
NEW: Add author column in the client/supplier invoice lists and into order list
NEW: bank account tags for invoice ODT template
NEW: Bar Restaurant tab and Auto order
NEW: better filter on shipment list as other list
NEW: Better php module view admin
NEW: Bookkeeping - Add link to document & pdf
NEW: Bookmarks are now in top menu bar
NEW: Can check all events in one click in setup of audited events
NEW: Can create an deposit from order using a percentage of qty.
NEW: Can edit option PDF_USE_ALSO_LANGUAGE_CODE from PDF setup page
NEW: Can enter and edit stripe credit card using the Stripe card ID
NEW: Can filter on donation status in list
NEW: Can replace a string into all pages in website module
NEW: Can select several fields to personalize list before submit.
NEW: Can select which element to export in export accounting documents.
NEW: can update contact in import model
NEW: Cash Fence in TakePOS
NEW: Categories and subcategories sorted by label in TakePOS
NEW: Categories for actioncomm
NEW: Category filter for bank and warehouse list
NEW: Chart of accounts to Ecuador
NEW: class tool for converting units
NEW: Close #13011 Add button create thirdparty when creating intervention
NEW: Colorful theme for TakePOS
NEW: columns units in product list
NEW: compatibility of translabel with more dictionaries
NEW: Confirm file delete on invoice card
NEW: "contact_civility" for ODT templates
NEW: CUPS printing compatibility for TakePOS
NEW: Customer command list - Add date start & date end
NEW: display weight in shipment list
NEW: Documentation about PHP support in Dolibarr
NEW: Donation - Update FR CERFA to 11580*04
NEW: Easier way to setup the different types of tax. Better visibility.
NEW: Expedition list - Add date start & date end
NEW: Experiment supplier packaging with option PRODUCT_USE_SUPPLIER_PACKAGING: Using price according to the minimum quantity
NEW: Export module, add extrafields for Contract and Contract line
NEW: Extend retained warranty to be available for all invoices
NEW: French new regions
NEW: hook and data id
NEW: hook on ics generation to add more events in eventarray
NEW: hook on product load stats
NEW: If $dolibarr_main_force_https is set, the flag 'secure' on session
NEW: ignore dir for apple pay with stripe
NEW: Invoice list - Add date start & date end
NEW: invoice list: enable multicurrency columns
NEW: labels on reduction buttons in cash desk
NEW: Minimum sell prices taking into account in TakePOS
NEW: monthly view to enter time
NEW: Multiple sales in TakePOS
NEW: multiselect categorie client stats facturation
NEW: no confirm discard ticket if paid
NEW: not show linked table on add message action
NEW: only auto print paid ticket in cash desk
NEW: only show units columns in product list (not in service list)
NEW: order list: enable multicurrency columns
NEW: Overwrite tpl with module_part['tpl'] is deprecated. USe hooks
NEW: possibility to defined rounding rules by currency
NEW: possibility to show society info when print page
NEW: Povide a RSS Feed for blogposts
NEW: Project task list, add column selector and extrafields
NEW: Propal list - Add date start & date end
NEW: propal list: enable multicurrency columns
NEW: Restore version of application on main screen (for screenshots)
NEW: Salaries list - Add date start & date end
NEW: search on key code "enter" if defined in TakePOS
NEW: set payment method on paid ticket in TakePOS
NEW: Show active widget state of a RSS feed
NEW: Show count of each category elements in category card
NEW: Show creator, last update user of category/tag in the information tab
NEW: Show list of users in the user category card
NEW: show messages on ticket card
NEW: show "New category" button in top of sub categories list
NEW: show project label in project index
NEW: Show units of products in stocks and hide total units if content is of diffents units
NEW: sorting elements on project overview
NEW: special option MAIN_CREATEFROM_KEEP_LINE_ORIGIN_INFORMATION to store in document line created form other documents lines the id of original lines and origin class line rather than origin object id and origin object type
NEW: stats invoice graph with 3 bars (3 years instead of 2)
NEW: supplier invoice list: enable multicurrency columns
NEW: supplier order list: enable multicurrency columns
NEW: supplier proposal list: enable multicurrency columns
NEW: Support of tag {line_pos} for line numbers for tables in ODT templates
NEW: Support some HTML contents into ODT documents
NEW: Parameters for Bar Restaurant are grouped in same tab
NEW: Takepos : Sort products by reference
NEW: Takepos supplements are supported.
NEW: The info_admin() can show text after click on other text
NEW: The module selection uses a KanBan view by default.
NEW: tooltip for Unit_type and scale in "Dictionary setup - Measuring Units"
NEW: tooltip notes with first public note and then private note
NEW: Tree view for sub-categories
NEW: Truncate columns names when too long and show full title as popup
NEW: upload odt models for invoices, order, proposal, thirdparties and shipments.
NEW: Use native --convert-to feature to convert to pdf
NEW: Add user on order list
NEW: Various payment list - Add search date start & date end & subledger account
NEW: visu FROM day TO day in permonth view
NEW: Website logs are now into a separated log file.
NEW: X-Axis on graph are shown verticaly when there is a lot of values.
NEW: Can force ref of a variant product

For developers or integrators:

NEW: Add a method $form->widgetForTranslation to allow any field of a form to be entered into different languages.
NEW: Add API to get types of expense reports
NEW: API filter bankaccounts by category
NEW: API filter contacts by cate...

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