- Brian Romaniuk
- Dmitri Golota
- Ralph Li
- Joshua Camacho
- Maximilian Wu
As passionate gamers and junior developers from the Computer Systems Technology program (CST) at BCIT, we were driven to create a fun, educational and relaxing game experience that encompasses the ideas set forth in the Climate Emergency Action Plan from the City of Vancouver. We are extremely passionate about bettering our community and providing people with a brief moment of respite in these trying times since the inception of this idea. We hope that you enjoy 'becoming mayor for a day' and gain some knowledge about how you can participate and contribute in our ever-changing city.
As part of the City of Vancouvers initiative to focus on cutting carbon pollution from local sources - burning fossil fuels in
vehicles (39%) and buildings (54%) - we wanted to make a game that could inform local communities with their cities initiatives and aleviate the stresses that many Vancouverites have beeb experiencing these last few years. We hope that after playing our game, players can feel a little more educated about their cities climate contributions.
- Html, CSS, Javascript
- Bootstrap
- Firebase / Firestore
- Aseprite (animations and assets)
- Garageband / Logic Pro X
- Selenium - Automated Testing
If you wish to work-on/improve our repository/project please consider the following:
- Firestore / Firebase is connected to a private user (API Key can be found in the firebase_api_saveraincity.js file)
- All assets are scaled .png's
- The webapp is currently being hosted on https://saveraincity.web.app/
- Download and install your prefered IDE and develpoment environment tools and support
- Request access as a contributer / editor on our saveraincity database with Firebase
- The firebase API key can be found in the ./server/firebase_api_saveraincity.js
- All other required material are within the repository
Brian Romaniuk - bromaniuk@my.bcit.ca
Dmitri Golota - http://www.golota.ca - dgolota@my.bcit.ca
Joshua Camacho - jcamacho10@my.bcit.ca
Ralph Li - cookiecraft2.0@gmail.com
Max Wu - mwu151@my.bcit.ca
We would like to extend a special thank you to our project supervisor Chris Thompson for holding us to high standard and helping us to become better developers each day. Without his help and supervision, our progress and learning curves would have fallen below what we were capable of.
We would like to thank Carly Orr for being ever present and helpful during our entire projects term. Even since Term 1 the wealth of knowledge we were able to extract from was extremely valuable for our growth.
We would also like to thank Patrick Guichon for all his help in our repository management, and the valuable information we received on automated testing tools.