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Dirkster99 edited this page Jul 7, 2020 · 23 revisions

The LayoutAnchorableFloatingWindowControl class visualizes floating LayoutAnchorables (toolwindows) in AvalonDock.

This class inherits from the abstract class LayoutFloatingWindowControl - which in turn inherits from System.Windows.Window and implements the IOverlayWindowHost interface, and contains an instance of a DragService object to support drag & drop gestures.

Model Control
LayoutAnchorableFloatingWindow LayoutAnchorableFloatingWindowControl

Visual Parts

This section shows essential parts of the LayoutAnchorableFloatingWindowControl by highlighting colors to visualize each item declared in the Generics style of AvalonDock.

Not Maximized

  • The RED Border highlights the LayoutAnchorableFloatingWindowControl

  • The GREEN Border highlights the DropDownControlArea (which displays the title) with its ContextMenu

  • The YELLOW Border highlights the DropDownButton that contains the same menu options as ContextMenu in the DropDownControlArea

  • The BLACK Border highlights the Maximize button

  • The GRAY Border highlights the Close button

  • The VIOLET highlighting color indicates a LayoutAnchorableControl bound into the style with a ContentPresenter statement:
    <ContentPresenter Grid.Row="1" Content="{TemplateBinding Content}" />


The ORANGE Border highlights the Restore button, which is shown instead of the Maximize button when the LayoutAnchorableFloatingWindowControl is maximized.


Inherited from LayoutFloatingWindowControl

Name Description
ContentMinHeight The MinHeight of the content of the window, will be 0 until the window has been rendered, or if the MinHeight is unset for the content.
ContentMinWidth The MinWidth of the content of the window, will be 0 until the window has been rendered, or if the MinWidth is unset for the content.
TotalMargin The total margin (including window chrome and title bar). The margin is queried from the visual tree the first time it is rendered, zero until the first call of FilterMessage(WM_ACTIVATE).
DockingManager.AutoWindowSizeWhenOpened See DockingManager.AutoWindowSizeWhenOpened dependency property

See also: OverlayWindow control

Demo Projects


Layout Models


Class Designs


Manual Tests

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