Clean, simple, easy to read, fast ski resort lift status.
Displays multiple resorts on a single page.
Refreshes automatically every 65 seconds.
Index page displays all supported resorts but it's possible to specify (and bookmark) a subset:,squaw
REST type API returns a status of each resort.
Status is cached on a server side. Regardless of the number of browser request, server will retrieve (and parse) the resort pages only once per minute.
Clone this repo (or your fork)
git clone && cd liftie
Install dependencies with npm:
npm install
Build client side scripts: liftie is using component - make will install all external components and trigger component build for you.
Run and profit (liftie binds to port 3000 by default)
node app
The easiest way to start working on a new resort is to run generate
Short name of the resort [acme]:
Human readable name of the resort [Acme Ski]:
URL of the page with lift status []:
Generating files for Acme Ski
Generating lib/resorts/acme.js...
Generating test/resorts/acme.js...
Retrieving to test/resorts/example/acme.html...
The script expects the short (one word) identifier of the ski resort, the human readable name and
the URL of the page with lift status. It generates resort module lib/resort/acme.js
and a test for
a parsing function test/resort/acme.js
. It also retrieves the lift status page and puts it in
At this point you should probably run the tests: since parsing function is not implemented the test will fail.
exports the following object
name: 'Acme Ski Resort',
url: {
host: '',
pathname: '/lift/status'
tags: ['state', 'area'], // optional
parse: function(dom) {}
Parse function needs to return a lift status object, which will look something like that:
'Super Express Lift': 'closed',
'Magic Carpet': 'open',
'Ultra Gondola': 'hold',
'T-Bar': 'scheduled'
Newly added resort is displayed automatically on liftie index page.
In addition to parsing lift status pages Liftie supports resorts that make their lift status
available through REST API. In such cases you need to specify api
element in resort descriptor.
name: 'Acme Ski Resort',
url: {
host: '',
pathname: '/lift/status'
api: {
host: '',
pathname: '/api/status'
parse: function(json) {}
If api
is specified Liftie will retrieve status info through HTTP GET. The resort parse
will receive parsed json instead of the dom tree. Please note that you still need to configure url
it is used on Liftie pages to send users to official resort page. Check out Steamboat implementation, if you are looking for an example.
Icon Font generated with IconMoon App
- Icon Set: Broccolidry -- License: Aribitrary
- Icon Set: IcoMoon - Free -- License: CC BY-SA 3.0
- Icon Set: Dollar by The Morning Son from The Noun Project -- License: CC BY-SA 3.0
Forecast Font from Icon Vault -- SIL Open Font License
Tags CSS (stylus) is a simplified version of Sliding Tags by Thibaut Courouble -- License MIT
- refresh on change only (web sockets?)
- detect changes and enable change notifications (HTML5 notifications)
- tweet on change support