is an open source directory of developers.
My intentions were to create a place where developers can connect with other developer with similar obstacles and backgrounds.
Built with React, Redux, Bootstrap and Firebase.
- Work on mobile layout
- Work on solution to sign users up (currently being added manually to validate user)
- Add more skill to navbar
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development.
Start with this
Yarn or NPM // Either package manager should be fine
Clone repo using link below
git clone
A step by step to get a development env running
Once repo is saved locally run
yarn install or npm install
cd to project dir and run yarn start
- Firebase - Backend framework used to store and serve data
- React 16.3.1 - Duhh.
- Redux - Used to manage app's state
- React Redux - Framework used to connect Redux to React
- Redux Thunk - Used to connect components
🙌 🙌 🙌
Contact me if you have any questions