Releases: DevotedMC/CropControl
CropControl for CB 1.12
DevotedMC is proud to present CropControl for CraftBukkit/Spigot 1.12.
This is a powerful plugin to allow augmentation of crop outcomes, based on a number of -- and hopefully will grow -- factors, including: difference or similarity of planting vs. harvesting player, use of harvest technique (water, fire, piston, tool), biome presence -- and to be added: world, tool used, "effect state".
It's easy to configure (although exhaustive if you want!) and allows you to give custom outcomes not just for mature plants, but also immature plants. Supports nearly all Minecraft plants, including trees, with partial support for Chorus Fruit!
Try it out in action on our server, .
CropControl for CB 1.10
DevotedMC is proud to present CropControl for CraftBukkit/Spigot 1.10.
This is a powerful plugin to allow augmentation of crop outcomes, based on a number of -- and hopefully will grow -- factors, including: difference or similarity of planting vs. harvesting player, use of harvest technique (water, fire, piston, tool), biome presence -- and to be added: world, tool used, "effect state".
It's easy to configure (although exhaustive if you want!) and allows you to give custom outcomes not just for mature plants, but also immature plants. Supports nearly all Minecraft plants, including trees, with partial support for Chorus Fruit!
Try it out in action on our server, .