Welcome to devDocs, a comprehensive and personalized documentation repository for various languages, frameworks, and tools ( Important note: it is built on things i use myself). This repository is designed to provide you with quick access to essential information, best practices, and code snippets that will assist you in your daily dev journey. Whether you are working on frontend, backend, DevOps, or using various tools. DevDocs is simply there to help you get up to speed or as a refresher for your memory. Enabling quick access to valuable information, when you are short on time and need the information quickly.
If you want to contribute and enhance this documentation with more languages, tools, etc., feel free to do so! Make sure that you use the same structure as the existing documentation. Here is a general template you can follow:
Provide a brief introduction to the tool or technology.
Include basic syntax or examples to get started.
List common use cases for the tool or technology.
Highlight advanced features and functionalities.
Provide useful code snippets for common tasks.
Share tips and best practices for using the tool or technology.
List external resources for further reading and learning.