Blog Link 🔗
Hello there, I am Amol an Aspiring Android Developer learning at Masai School. You might have used the Dunzo Android App, Dunzo can change the way you move things, how you shop and lets you access your city like never before. We're an app that connects you to the nearest delivery partner who can make purchases, pick up items from any store or restaurant in the city and bring them to you.
Moving ahead, we team Dunzo developed a clone of the App of Dunzo App in just 5 days as a part of our curriculum. This blog is all about our journey and the challenges we faced while building the project.
The Team Members are:
- Abhishek
- Akash Kumar Prajapat
- Amol Pardeshi
A little about the teammates and their contributions. I can’t thank Abhishek and Akash enough, who worked hard for this project to become what it is today. I think the best way to thank them would be to mention their contribution and let their work speak for them.
Though this project was not a piece of cake. I loved to work with these amazing guys during this 5 days journey we got lots of learnings and got a broader perspective about the application lifecycle.
- Android Studio
- Android(Recycler View, ScrollView, Webview, Preferences, Permissions)
- Razorpay Payment Gateway
- Firbase - Firestore
- Open Android Studio.
- Go to File > New > Project From Version Control.
- Copy the link of this repositary.
- Paste the link in Url Box of Android Studio window and click on "Clone" button.
In our humble attempt to clone the Dunzo App we tried our best to achieve the preciseness with whatever limited knowledge we possess. I hope you liked our efforts. If you want to check out the repository and try it yourself, please go to and fork the repo