Know live weather conditions on a single click
Users can get too busy at work or at home to check the current weather conditions for severe weather. Many of the free weather software programs have too many pop ups or unwanted software tied to them like weather bug.Getting confusing information on weather warnings from inaccurate sources.Also every application has different information of weather of the same location at the same time.The reason is that there are many sources such as newspaper,television,radio,etc which provide weather updates which often differ. One cannot rely on a particular source. Also, information such as humidity,wind speed ,pressure is seldom provided on these sources. If a user needs information on above mentioned parameters then he/she needs to visit various sources for that, which is a tedious job.
Our responsive website "The Weather Detector", which:
- Provides users with accurate information regarding the climate of the city they input.
- Displayed climate parameters includes temperature, humidity, wind speed, pressure, sunrise time, sunset time, co-ordinates and country-code of the location.
- Accurately shows the weather of a given region.
- Python
- Django
- sqlite3
- pip
- Displaying time in readable format - Used "datetime" module to convert json timestamp
- Install Python - Refer to to install python
- Clone the project on localhost
git clone
- Move to the project directory
cd .\weather-app-django\
- Install required python packages
pip install numpy pandas matplotlib django pillow pathlib datetime
- When you have all the dependencies installed, run the migration to create tables for the app in the new database.
python migrate
- When the migrations complete, run the project.
python runserver
- Open in a web browser.
- Feel free to open an issue on GitHub if you find any bug or to request any additional features.
- Connect with me on LinkedIn. I would love ❤️️ to help!