Telegram-Forward-Bot built with Node.js based on Node-Telegram-Bot-API
This project relies on Node.js and MongoDB, so if you don't have both of these installed, please first install.
If you just want to use this bot, you can choose to download 2 runtime files to use it.
The main file below is built with vercel/ncc and does not require any other dependencies to be installed. Of course, you still need to install Node.js and MongoDB.
- configuration file:
- main file:
Please Note:
the configuration file must be in a directory named "env" and place the env directory at the same level as the main file.
After download, you should complete the configuration file.
git clone && cd Telegram-Forward-Bot
yarn install # npm install
in ./env/config.yaml
# Please keep the following double quotes
# Your mongodb address like 'mongodb://user:pwd@'
database_url : ""
# The bot token that you get from BotFather
bot_token : ""
# Your telegram number ID, no quotes like 123456789
me :
# Need notification, true / false
notice : true
# Auto-reply message when the user sends the following commands, can use Markdown format
msg :
start : "*Hello,welcome!*\n\nThis is my bot, and can forwards your messages to me"
# Don't change the following options!!
parse :
html : { parse_mode : 'HTML' }
mark : { parse_mode : 'Markdown' }
mark2 : { parse_mode : 'MarkdownV2' }
yarn build # npm run build
cd dist && node index.js
- You can reply to the forwarded message to reply to the original message, currently supports text, stickers, photos.
- Reply
to a forwarded message will add/remove someone to the blacklist, and when someone is blacklisted, the bot will not forward his/her messages to you. - Reply
to a forwarded message will show you the userinfo whose sent the message. - Reply
or!del all
to a message you sent earlier and the message will be deleted from the chat history between the bot and you and the sender of the message.
npm install pm2 -g
# start
pm2 start /Absolute/Path/To/index.js
# save status
pm2 save
# Boot up
pm2 startup
The MIT License (MIT)
Copyright © 2021 Alex Lee