- Install the Docker Desktop and Start It
- Clone this repository in your local machine by typing
. - Open the Terminal and navigate to the project folder.
- Run
docker volume create describly_mysql_data
to create a docker volue in you machine. Required to persist the mysql data. - Below will be your mysql connection details
You do not need to change anything here, but if you would like to change the username, password or database name, you can modify it at this point in the .env
file attached to this project.
- We can start building our projects by running
docker-compose build
- One build is done, run
docker-compose up
to start the services. Leave this terminal open to check the logs. - To stop the services you can press
Ctrl + C
- (Control + C)
- To Generate the Migration From Model
docker-compose run fastapi-service /bin/sh -c "alembic revision --autogenerate -m "create my table table""
- To Apply the Migration to Database
docker-compose run fastapi-service /bin/sh -c "alembic upgrade head"
- To Revert last applied migration
docker-compose run fastapi-service /bin/sh -c "alembic downgrade -1"
- FastAPI Application Status http://localhost:8000
- API Documentation http://localhost:8000/docs
- Database Access http://localhost:8080 - use the above detail to login.
- Mailpit http://localhost:8025