KDE Plasma color scheme generator script based on your wallpaper.
You'll need to install this three Python libraries: watchdog, colorthief and Pillow You can do it with this simple command:
pip install watchdog colorthief Pillow
Be sure that you have Python 3 installed!
- First we need to make the script executable. We can do it with
chmod +x wcg
- Then, we can just:
- Execute it with
or - Set wcg.py as a startup script in System Settings!
- Execute it with
If you want to execute it in terminal as a background service, you should follow the steps above but with the wcg-background
script instead.
You can check too my others two scripts:
- CSG - Color Scheme Generator: With this script you can easily generate any color-scheme by using a color picker!
- TKP - Tile Color Picker: With this script you can set the header/tile color of a window to match with their main window color. This is a Python version of the TKP script from @siggsy
WSG have 4 different modes, they are:
Mode that works like Breeze themes (with active and inactive header color)
Mode that have a darker header always active
Mode that the header doesn't have a different color
Mode that everything is of the same color (except from the accent colors)