Minecraft plugin that allows people to cook rotten flesh in a furnace or campfire to make leather.
Settings regarding disabling cooking methods, xp amounts, and cooking times are located in the config.yml file located in a folder called RottenFlesh2Leather inside of your plugin folder.
config.yml looks like the following:
# Enable or disable certain cooking methods (Default = true)
allowFurnace: true
allowSmoker: true
allowCampfire: true
# Change the amount of time it takes to cook in ticks (Default = 200, 100, 600)
furnaceCookingTime: 200
smokerCookingTime: 100
campfireCookingTime: 600
# Set custom xp level (Default = 1.0)
xp-level: 1.0
The recipes category allows you to disable certain methods of cooking. Simply changing the setting to false will disable the recipe.
The cooking-time category allows you to change the amount of time it takes to cook the item in ticks. Minecraft runs at 20 ticks per seconds which means that 100 = 5 seconds.
The xp-level setting allows you to change the amount of xp the user will receive after receiving the leather. This setting must be a decimal.