The objective of this project was to create an ETL pipeline for an Anime Recommendation System. A use case for this pipeline is to process and use the data to train and update the recommendation algorithm, at fixed intervals.
The analytics database can be used by a ML engineer for creating and updating an Anime Recommendation Systems, which in turn can be used to recommend new animes to the users in anime websites such as,, etc. The database can also be used for querying questions like which anime is highly rated by the user and which anime is currently watched by most of the users.
For this project, we are using a modified version of the dataset from kaggle : Anime Recommendation Database 2020
S3 bucket link : s3 bucket
The dataset is stored in AWS S3. And it consists of 4 csv files :
- anime.csv : Information of anime. (Size : 17562 entries)
- animelist.csv : List of all animes register by the user with the respective score, watching status and numbers of episodes watched. (Size : 8000000 entries)
- watching_status.csv : Description of every possible status of the column: "watching_status" in animelist.csv. (Size : 5 entries )
- anime_with_synopsis.csv : CSV with synopsis of anime (Size : 16214 entries)
- : SQL queries for creating tables, inserting data into the tables, queries to perform data quality checks and dropping tables.
requirements.txt : lists out the dependencies.
credentials.cfg : contains the credentials and configurations for AWS and PostgreSQL Database.
- : python script to drop and create the tables.
Capstone Project Template.ipynb : contains the code for the whole pipeline and the EDA process.
static : folder that contains the static assets.
- PostgreSQL
- Python3
- AWS access is required to access and download the Dataset from S3.
- The database config and the AWS credentials needs to be set in credentials.cfg
- Install the dependencies listed in the requirements.txt
The project follows the follow steps:
- Step 1: Scope the Project and Gather Data
- Step 2: Explore and Assess the Data
- Step 3: Define the Data Model
- Step 4: Run ETL to Model the Data
- Step 5: Complete Project Write Up
Please refer to the Capstone Project Template.ipynb for the details.
The following data shema is decided upon to store the processed data. It is a star schema with all the tables normalized.
Since the tables are normalized, there will be an increase in the query execution time for complex queries.
- Clearly state the rationale for the choice of tools and technologies for the project.
In this project, we have used the following tools and technologies:
- PostgreSQL
- Pandas
- Python3
The following set of tools works fine with the dataset of this size (max dataset of 8M rows) and for the requirement of few users.
- Propose how often the data should be updated and why.
Ideally, the data should be updated daily. Assuming we have a system in place which records the daily user activities (which user is watching which anime), we can schedule using airflow to collect the data and process it using the ETL pipeline. This data can be further used to train & update the recommendation algorithm.
Write a description of how you would approach the problem differently under the following scenarios:
The data was increased by 100x.
Use of Spark & Redshift to process the data efficiently in a distributed way e.g. with EMR.
Partitioning of data will also prove effective in such cases. Redshift allows us to achieve the same purpose using sort & distribution key. We can define the columns based on which we want to partition the data, this will help us in making our queries more efficient.
Another factor to consider in this case is the storage. The storage can be tuned by tuning the size of the Redshift cluster. Another option availbale with us is the use AWS s3 storage.
- The data populates a dashboard that must be updated on a daily basis by 7am every day.
For this scenerio, I would prefer using Airflow and creating a DAG that performs the logic of the described pipeline.
For this, the airflow dag needs to be configured to run daily at 7AM (schedule_interval='0 7 * * *'). This will allow the pipeline to get triggered automatically everyday at the specified time.
Moreover airflow comes with both the options to be run on the same instance or on a remote instance from where the pipeline scripts are running.
As for the business impact, using airflow will help us to get the updated data daily, without disturbing the other business processes.
- The database needed to be accessed by 100+ people.
By default,PostgreSQL supports 115 concurrent connections, 15 for superusers and 100 connections for other users.
But to be on the safe side, I would opt RedShift. Currently Redshift has a max of 500 connections and 50 concurrency per cluster. If our system expects a even higher influx, we can increase the number of clusters.
Amazon Redshift replicates the data within the data warehouse cluster and continuously backs up your data to Amazon S3.
Amazon Redshift Clusters can also be relocated to alternative Availability Zones without any data loss or application changes.