API built with Node.js, Express, and MongoDB that handles user authentication with JWT tokens.
- User registration and authentication
- JWT-based authentication
- Protected routes
- Secure password hashing
- Cookie-based token storage
- Error handling
- Input validation
- MongoDB database integration
- Node.js - Runtime environment
- Express.js - Web framework
- MongoDB - Database
- Mongoose - MongoDB object modeling
- JWT - JSON Web Tokens for authentication
- bcryptjs - Password hashing
- cookie-parser - Cookie handling
- dotenv - Environment variable management
//User Registration
- /api/auth/register
//User Login
- /api/auth/login
//User logout
- /api/auth/logout
//Get profile information
- /api/auth/profile
Postman Api Documentation --- https://documenter.getpostman.com/view/39963289/2sAYHxoPdP