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Nandish Patel edited this page Jun 29, 2021 · 4 revisions

Node Registry

The node_registry package provides the base node classes and utils to eliminate boilerplates when creating ROS nodes. For example when using the simulator all the use_sim_time parameter of all nodes in the system should be set to True. Using the registry base class, such functionalities can easily be accomplished. This is applicable for both C++/Python


The XNode should be the base class all of the python nodes.

Subclass of XNode

class MyNode(XNode):
    def __init__(self, node_name='my_node', **kwargs):
       super(MyNode, self).__init__(node_name, **kwargs)

Using Decorators

A python node can also be created using the easy to use decorators.

#!/usr/bin/env python3

from node_registry import register, rosnode

# This should be the first function below the import
def node() -> str:
    return 'my_node'

# register the node spinning.

CPP Node

The CPP nodes should be the subclass of node_registry::xnode::XNode.

#include <node_registry/rosnode.hpp>

using node_registry::xnode::XNode;

    const rclcpp::NodeOptions &options,
    const std::string node_name):
    XNode(node_name, options) {
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