On-machine laser scanning and in-process adaptive dimension deviation (surface defect) correction strategy
- On-machine laser scanning measurement to generate point cloud data
- Point cloud processing
- Rapid surface defect identification
- Repair AM part surface defect based on point cloud data
- Automatic repairing AM toolpath generation
Currently in development:
- Localized surface defect identification
- Surface defect removal by robotic milling process
- Various stratagies for generating robotic milling toolpath pattern
- Robotic milling toolpath selection (decision-making)
- Hybrid process planning (surface defect repair by AM or SM)
This is the code repository for a series of projects related to In-process adaptive defect correction for robotic hybrid LAAM
If you find our work useful in your research, please cite our paper:
Chen, L., Yao, X., Xu, P., Moon, S.K., Bi, G., 2021. Rapid surface defect identification for additive manufacturing with in-situ point cloud processing and machine learning. Virtual and Physical Prototyping 16, 50–67. https://doi.org/10.1080/17452759.2020.1832695
paper entitled "In-process adaptive dimension correction strategy for laser aided additive manufacturing using laser line scanning"
If you find our work useful in your research, please cite our paper:
- Currently under development
- Preliminary results: