To send a request via Python:
import json
import requests
server = "http://localhost:8899"
response ="{server}/say_hello", data={"name": "John"})
result = json.loads(response.text)
>>> { "message": "Hello John!" }
To send files along form data, e.g. an image (pretty useless for our "say_hello" method):
import json
import requests
server = "http://localhost:8899"
img_path = "/path/to/image.jpg"
response ="{server}/say_hello",
files={"input": open(img_path, "rb").read()},
data={"useless_file": "John"})
result = json.loads(response.text)
>>> { "message": "Hello John!" }
To send a request via Postman:
This server is dockerized, so it can be built and run using docker commands.
docker build -f Dockerfile -t say-hello-api:latest .
docker run -d -p <API_PORT>:8899 --restart-always --name say-hello-api say-hello-api:latest
Now the server is available at http://<HOST>:<API_PORT>