A Python library for the retrieval of historical weather data.
This library scrapes WorldWeatherOnline.com to collect historical weather data, returning a Pandas DataFrame. The DetermineListOfAttributes class returns all weather attributes available for retrieval through the WorldWeatherOnline.com API, whilst the HistoricalLocationWeather class retrieves an array of typically required weather attributes. The RetrieveByAttribute class can be used to request specific weather attributes, or a list of specific weather attributes, as available through the DetermineListOfAttributes class.
From Python:
pip install WorldWeatherPy
from WorldWeatherPy import DetermineListOfAttributes
from WorldWeatherPy import HistoricalLocationWeather
from WorldWeatherPy import RetrieveByAttribute
pip install WorldWeatherPy
from WorldWeatherPy import DetermineListOfAttributes
attributes = DetermineListOfAttributes(api_key, True).retrieve_list_of_options()
Returns a list containing all available weather attributes. If 'verbose' is set to True, this will be printed within the function call.
pip install WorldWeatherPy
from WorldWeatherPy import HistoricalLocationWeather
dataset = HistoricalLocationWeather(api_key, city, start_date, end_date, frequency).retrieve_hist_data()
Returns a Pandas DataFrame 'dataset', which contains an array of weather attributes for the given city, between the start and end dates specified, with hourly frequency, indexed by date and time.
pip install WorldWeatherPy
from WorldWeatherPy import RetrieveByAttribute
dataset = RetrieveByAttribute(api_key, attribute_list, city, start_date, end_date, frequency).retrieve_hist_data()
Returns a Pandas DataFrame 'dataset', which contains a list of pre-specified weather attributes for the given city, between the start and end dates specified, with hourly frequency, indexed by date and time.
Argument | Description |
api_key | the API key obtained from https://www.worldweatheronline.com/developer/. (str) |
attribute_list | a list of weather attributes to collect. (list) |
city | a city for which to retrieve data. (str). |
start_date | a string in the format YYYY-MM-DD (str). |
end_date | a string in the format YYYY-MM-DD (str). |
frequency | the frequency of extracted data, measured in hours. (int) |
verbose | boolean determining printing during data extraction. (bool) [Default = True] |
csv_directory | an optional file directory to store the output. (os directory) [Default = None] |