- Ruby version
- System dependencies
libmysqlclient-dev (for mysql2 gem)
install with
sudo apt-get install libmysqlclient-dev
rvm (to get ready to use ruby)
install with
\curl -sSL https://get.rvm.io | bash -s stable
These installation steps describe installation on linux (ubuntu) from scratch. If you already have right ruby, rubygems and bundler installed you can ignore the rvm and the login stuff.
If not yet done, log in to bash in order to use rvm:
bash --login
Install ruby 2.1.1:
rvm install ruby 2.1.1
Use ruby 2.1.1:
rvm use 2.1.1
Clone this repository if not already done
Go to repository’s root (the folder where this readme file is)
Install required gems (if using rvm do not use sudo!)
bundle install
Set up database information as described in Configuration:Databases
Start migration:
rake migrate:with_sql_to_empty_db
In order to be able to establish a connection to the production database and to the warehouse database you have to put the connection information into the file config/database.yml
We have prepared a template file, just copy config/database.yml.template
to config/database.yml
and edit the missing information where indicated.
If you want to migrate regularly you can create a cron-job that executes the file migrate.sh
If not yet done, log in to bash in order to use rvm:
bash --login
Use ruby 2.1.1:
rvm use 2.1.1
Start server:
rails s
Start on public server:
rails s -e production