I am a passionate and innovative Web Developer, Data Science and Machine Learning Enthusiast from India.
🌱 I’m currently learning Data Analytics, Basic, Intermediate and Advanced Excel, Data Science, R, Robotics, IoT, NLP, Node.js, React, Tableau, Power-BI, Block-Chain, Bio-Technology, Bio-Informatics, Big Data Analytics, Cloud Computing and more.
👯 I’m looking to collaborate on Any Innovative Project using trending tools and technologies
🤝 I’m looking for help with New Innovative Data Science Projects
💬 Ask me about C, Java, Python, Machine Learning, DSA and any new trending topics, technologies, daily life updates and new things launched everyday and every time in the world in any field or domain, industry, market, history, research and many more endlessly.
📫 How to reach me arpanchoudhury.mit@gmail.com, arpanchoudhury.iitjee@gmail.com and arpanchoudhury.faang@gmail.com