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@marcotc marcotc released this 27 Jan 17:06
· 10165 commits to master since this release

This release includes a new way to automatically instrument all available gems in an application: require: 'ddtrace/auto_instrument' (#1260). There's no need to require 'ddtrace' or invoke Datadog.configure when using auto_instrument.

For Rails application, all that is needed is an additional require option in your Gemfile:

gem 'ddtrace', require: 'ddtrace/auto_instrument'

For any other application, invoke require 'ddtrace/auto_instrument' after all gems that you would like instrumented have been required.

All defaults and custom settings can still be configured in a Datadog.configure block as usual. Make sure to call Datadog.configure after require 'ddtrace/auto_instrument' when using both features together.

Let us know if you have any feedback on this new feature in our GitHub page.

There are no changes for applications not invoking require 'ddtrace/auto_instrument'.



  • Promote request_queuing out of experimental (#1320)
  • Safeguards around distributed HTTP propagator (#1304)
  • Improvements to test integrations (#1291, #1303, #1307)


Read the full changeset and the release milestone.