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@palazzem palazzem released this 30 Nov 11:10
· 12456 commits to master since this release

Distributed Sampling (beta)

New feature that propagates the sampling priority across services. This ensures traces are always consistent and complete when distributed tracing is used. This new functionality requires at least the Datadog Agent 5.19+. Frameworks and libraries with out-of-the-box propagation are: Rack, Rails, Sinatra, net/http and Faraday (#248, #245, #229, #249, #254, docs)


  • [core] add Datadog::Registry for better configuration API (#200)
  • [core] add Configuration API for integrations (#203)
  • [core] migrate http to new configuration API (#225)
  • [core] make HTTPTransport compatible with multiple API versions (#228)
  • [core] improve shutdown process (#253)

New configuration

Introduced a new experimental API that is available for some integrations. The API is still experimental and will be fully available in the next major release (0.11.0). In the meantime you can check some examples for the following integrations:

  • Rails (#224)
  • Sinatra (#226, #260, docs)
  • Sidekiq still use the previous API, though some changes have been done to support the new API (#227)


  • [redis] Updates Redis integration tag/metric (#216)
  • [core] handle integrations that don't implement #patch (#241)
  • [resque] removing useless waits when a job ends, using a synchronous writer so the trace is flushed immediately before exiting the process (#252)

!! Breaking changes !!
[sinatra] introducing a new API that replaces the previous approach. This version changed the following:

  • default_service has been renamed service_name
  • you don't use datadog_tracer configuration object, but directly the new Datadog#configure

If you have a configuration like:

configure do
  settings.datadog_tracer.configure default_service: 'my-app', trace_agent_hostname: 'ddagent'

now it must be:

Datadog.configure do |c|
  c.use :sinatra, service_name: 'my-app', trace_agent_hostname: 'ddagent'

Read the full changeset