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[EBPF] Minor fixes for KMT system-probe build (#24598)
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* Ensure binaries on /root are accesible

* Use correct SSH options on instances

* Fix SSH names when multiple domains have the same tag

* Fix paths in

* Add kmt.tmux task

* Use all vms by default in

* Document kmt.tmux
  • Loading branch information
gjulianm authored Apr 12, 2024
1 parent 51ce821 commit 9dfef01
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Showing 3 changed files with 76 additions and 8 deletions.
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions tasks/kernel_matrix_testing/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -143,6 +143,12 @@ Then connect to the VM as follows
ssh -i /home/kernel-version-testing/ddvm_rsa -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no root@<ip>

#### Connecting to all VMs with tmux

You can connect to all VMs at once using the `kmt.tmux` task. It will automatically create a new session for your stack (deleting it if it already exists), will open a new window for each instance, and a new panel for each VM in the window.

A useful command for tmux in these cases is `:set synchronize-panes on`, which will send the same command to all panes at once. This is useful for running the same command in all VMs at once, specially running system-probe all at once.

### Destroy stack

Tear down the stack
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions tasks/kernel_matrix_testing/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -119,6 +119,7 @@ def start(self) -> None:
f"chown {uid}:{gid} {CONTAINER_AGENT_PATH} && chown -R {uid}:{gid} {CONTAINER_AGENT_PATH}", user="root"

self.exec("chmod a+rx /root", user="root") # Some binaries will be in /root and need to be readable
self.exec("apt install sudo", user="root")
self.exec("usermod -aG sudo compiler && echo 'compiler ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL' >> /etc/sudoers", user="root")
self.exec("echo conda activate ddpy3 >> /home/compiler/.bashrc", user="compiler")
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77 changes: 69 additions & 8 deletions tasks/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -430,6 +430,10 @@ def tests_archive(self):
def tools(self):
return self.root / self.arch / "tools"

def shared_archive(self):
return self.arch_dir / "shared.tar"

def build_tests_package(ctx: Context, source_dir: str, stack: str, arch: Arch, ci: bool, verbose=True):
paths = KMTPaths(stack, arch)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -690,7 +694,7 @@ def test(

"vms": "Comma seperated list of vms to target when running tests",
"vms": "Comma seperated list of vms to target when running tests. If None, use all VMs",
"stack": "Stack in which the VMs exist. If not provided stack is autogenerated based on branch name",
"ssh-key": "SSH key to use for connecting to a remote EC2 instance hosting the target VM. Can be either a name of a file in ~/.ssh, a key name (the comment in the public key) or a full path",
"full-rebuild": "Do a full rebuild of all test dependencies to share with VMs, before running tests. Useful when changes are not being picked up correctly",
Expand All @@ -700,7 +704,7 @@ def test(
def build(
ctx: Context,
vms: str,
vms: Optional[str] = None,
stack: Optional[str] = None,
ssh_key: Optional[str] = None,
Expand All @@ -715,6 +719,10 @@ def build(
if arch is None:
arch = "local"

if vms is None:
vms = ",".join(stacks.get_all_vms_in_stack(stack))
info(f"[+] Running tests on all VMs in stack {stack}: vms={vms}")

arch = full_arch(arch)
paths = KMTPaths(stack, arch)
paths.arch_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -742,21 +750,21 @@ def build(
d.run_cmd(ctx, f"/root/ {arch_mapping[platform.machine()]}")
info(f"[+] Dependencies shared with target VM {d}")

shared_archive = os.path.join(CONTAINER_AGENT_PATH, os.path.relpath(paths.arch_dir / "shared.tar", paths.repo_root))
shared_archive_rel = os.path.join(CONTAINER_AGENT_PATH, os.path.relpath(paths.shared_archive, paths.repo_root))
f"cd {CONTAINER_AGENT_PATH} && git config --global --add {CONTAINER_AGENT_PATH} && inv -e --no-bundle",
cc.exec(f"tar cf {shared_archive} {EMBEDDED_SHARE_DIR}")
cc.exec(f"tar cf {shared_archive_rel} {EMBEDDED_SHARE_DIR}")

if not os.path.exists(system_probe_yaml):
raise Exit(f"file {system_probe_yaml} not found")

for d in domains:
d.copy(ctx, "./bin/system-probe", "/root")
d.copy(ctx, shared_archive, "/")
d.copy(ctx, paths.shared_archive, "/")
d.run_cmd(ctx, "tar xf /shared.tar -C /", verbose=verbose)
d.run_cmd(ctx, "mkdir /opt/datadog-agent/run")
d.run_cmd(ctx, "mkdir /etc/datadog-agent")
d.run_cmd(ctx, "mkdir -p /opt/datadog-agent/run")
d.run_cmd(ctx, "mkdir -p /etc/datadog-agent")
d.copy(ctx, DEFAULT_CONFIG_PATH, "/etc/datadog-agent/system-probe.yaml")
info(f"[+] system-probe built for {} @ /root")

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -831,10 +839,21 @@ def ssh_config(
if instance.ssh_key_path is not None:
print(f" IdentityFile {instance.ssh_key_path}")
print(" IdentitiesOnly yes")
for key, value in SSH_OPTIONS.items():
print(f" {key} {value}")

multiple_instances_with_same_tag = len({i.tag for i in instance.microvms}) != len(instance.microvms)

for domain in instance.microvms:
print(f"Host kmt-{stack_name}-{instance.arch}-{domain.tag}")
domain_name = domain.tag
if multiple_instances_with_same_tag:
id_parts ='-')
mem = id_parts[-1]
cpu = id_parts[-2]
domain_name += f"-mem{mem}-cpu{cpu}"

print(f"Host kmt-{stack_name}-{instance.arch}-{domain_name}")
print(f" HostName {domain.ip}")
if instance.arch != "local":
print(f" ProxyJump kmt-{stack_name}-{instance.arch}")
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1123,3 +1142,45 @@ def groupby_arch_comp(job: KMTTestRunJob) -> Tuple[str, str]:
headers=["Distro", "Login prompt found", "setup-ddvm ok", "Assigned IP", "Downloaded boot log"],

def tmux(ctx: Context, stack: Optional[str] = None):
"""Create a tmux session with panes for each VM in the stack.
Note that this task requires the tmux command to be available on the system, and the SSH
config to have been generated with the kmt.ssh-config task.
stack = check_and_get_stack(stack)
stack_name = stack.replace('-ddvm', '')"tmux kill-session -t kmt-{stack_name} || true")"tmux new-session -d -s kmt-{stack_name}")

for i, (_, instance) in enumerate(build_infrastructure(stack, try_get_ssh_key(ctx, None)).items()):
window_name = instance.arch
if i == 0:"tmux rename-window -t kmt-{stack_name} {window_name}")
else:"tmux new-window -t kmt-{stack_name} -n {window_name}")

multiple_instances_with_same_tag = len({i.tag for i in instance.microvms}) != len(instance.microvms)

needs_split = False
for domain in instance.microvms:
domain_name = domain.tag
if multiple_instances_with_same_tag:
id_parts ='-')
mem = id_parts[-1]
cpu = id_parts[-2]
domain_name += f"-mem{mem}-cpu{cpu}"
ssh_name = f"kmt-{stack_name}-{instance.arch}-{domain_name}"

if needs_split:"tmux split-window -h -t kmt-{stack_name}:{i}")
needs_split = True"tmux send-keys -t kmt-{stack_name}:{i} 'ssh {ssh_name}' Enter")"tmux select-layout -t kmt-{stack_name}:{i} tiled")

info(f"[+] Tmux session kmt-{stack_name} created. Attach with 'tmux attach -t kmt-{stack_name}'")

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