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Add some structure to logging with ::group:: (getsentry#827)
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chadwhitacre authored Jan 19, 2021
1 parent 640e7fe commit 612a14c
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Showing 4 changed files with 67 additions and 32 deletions.
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion .github/workflows/test.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -35,9 +35,10 @@ jobs:
SENTRY_PYTHON2: ${{ matrix.py2 == '1' || '' }}
run: |
echo "Testing initial install"
printf "Testing in-place upgrade"
echo "Testing in-place upgrade"
./ --minimize-downtime
Expand Down
Empty file removed foo
Empty file.
88 changes: 57 additions & 31 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,15 +6,23 @@ if [[ -n "$MSYSTEM" ]]; then
exit 1

# Thanks to
log_file="sentry_install_log-`date +'%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S'`.txt"
exec &> >(tee -a "$log_file")
if [ "$GITHUB_ACTIONS" = "true" ]; then

echo "${_group}Defining variables and helpers ..."
# Read .env for default values with a tip o' the hat to
t=$(mktemp) && export -p > "$t" && set -a && . ./.env && set +a && . "$t" && rm "$t" && unset t

source ./install/

# Thanks to
log_file="sentry_install_log-`date +'%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S'`.txt"
exec &> >(tee -a "$log_file")

Expand All @@ -32,7 +40,9 @@ RELAY_CONFIG_YML='relay/config.yml'
echo $_endgroup

echo "${_group}Parsing command line ..."
show_help() {
cat <<EOF
Usage: $0 [options]
Expand All @@ -58,7 +68,9 @@ while (( $# )); do
echo "${_endgroup}"

echo "${_group}Setting up error handling ..."
# Courtesy of
trap_with_arg() {
func="$1" ; shift
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -90,10 +102,9 @@ cleanup () {
trap_with_arg cleanup ERR INT TERM EXIT
echo "${_endgroup}"

echo "Checking minimum requirements..."

echo "${_group}Checking minimum requirements ..."
DOCKER_VERSION=$(docker version --format '{{.Server.Version}}')
COMPOSE_VERSION=$($dc --version | sed 's/docker-compose version \(.\{1,\}\),.*/\1/')
RAM_AVAILABLE_IN_DOCKER=$(docker run --rm busybox free -m 2>/dev/null | awk '/Mem/ {print $2}');
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -138,35 +149,38 @@ if [[ "$IS_KVM" -eq 0 ]]; then
exit 1
echo "${_endgroup}"

echo ""
echo "Creating volumes for persistent storage..."
echo "${_group}Creating volumes for persistent storage ..."
echo "Created $(docker volume create --name=sentry-data)."
echo "Created $(docker volume create --name=sentry-postgres)."
echo "Created $(docker volume create --name=sentry-redis)."
echo "Created $(docker volume create --name=sentry-zookeeper)."
echo "Created $(docker volume create --name=sentry-kafka)."
echo "Created $(docker volume create --name=sentry-clickhouse)."
echo "Created $(docker volume create --name=sentry-symbolicator)."
echo "${_endgroup}"

echo ""
echo "${_group}Ensuring files from examples ..."
ensure_file_from_example $SENTRY_CONFIG_PY
ensure_file_from_example $SENTRY_CONFIG_YML
ensure_file_from_example $SENTRY_EXTRA_REQUIREMENTS
ensure_file_from_example $SYMBOLICATOR_CONFIG_YML
ensure_file_from_example $RELAY_CONFIG_YML
echo "${_endgroup}"

echo "${_group}Generating secret key ..."
if grep -xq "system.secret-key: '!!changeme!!'" $SENTRY_CONFIG_YML ; then
echo ""
echo "Generating secret key..."
# This is to escape the secret key to be used in sed below
# Note the need to set LC_ALL=C due to BSD tr and sed always trying to decode
# whatever is passed to them. Kudos to
SECRET_KEY=$(export LC_ALL=C; head /dev/urandom | tr -dc "a-z0-9@#%^&*(-_=+)" | head -c 50 | sed -e 's/[\/&]/\\&/g')
sed -i -e 's/^system.secret-key:.*$/system.secret-key: '"'$SECRET_KEY'"'/' $SENTRY_CONFIG_YML
echo "Secret key written to $SENTRY_CONFIG_YML"
echo "${_endgroup}"

echo "${_group}Replacing TSDB ..."
replace_tsdb() {
if (
[[ -f "$SENTRY_CONFIG_PY" ]] &&
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -209,27 +223,28 @@ SENTRY_TSDB_OPTIONS = {\"switchover_timestamp\": $(date +%s) + (90 * 24 * 3600)}

echo "${_endgroup}"

echo ""
echo "Fetching and updating Docker images..."
echo ""
echo "${_group}Fetching and updating Docker images ..."
# We tag locally built images with an '-onpremise-local' suffix. docker-compose pull tries to pull these too and
# shows a 404 error on the console which is confusing and unnecessary. To overcome this, we add the stderr>stdout
# redirection below and pass it through grep, ignoring all lines having this '-onpremise-local' suffix.
$dc pull -q --ignore-pull-failures 2>&1 | grep -v -- -onpremise-local || true

# We may not have the set image on the repo (local images) so allow fails
docker pull ${SENTRY_IMAGE}${SENTRY_PYTHON2:+-py2} || true;
echo "${_endgroup}"

echo ""
echo "Building and tagging Docker images..."
echo "${_group}Building and tagging Docker images ..."
echo ""
# Build the sentry onpremise image first as it is needed for the cron image
$dc build --force-rm web
$dc build --force-rm
echo ""
echo "Docker images built."
echo "${_endgroup}"

echo "${_group}Turning things off ..."
if [[ -n "$MINIMIZE_DOWNTIME" ]]; then
# Stop everything but relay and nginx
$dc rm -fsv $($dc config --services | grep -v -E '^(nginx|relay)$')
Expand All @@ -240,7 +255,9 @@ else
# This is for newer versions
$dc down -t $STOP_TIMEOUT --rmi local --remove-orphans
echo "${_endgroup}"

echo "${_group}Setting up Zookeeper ..."
ZOOKEEPER_SNAPSHOT_FOLDER_EXISTS=$($dcr zookeeper bash -c 'ls 2>/dev/null -Ubad1 -- /var/lib/zookeeper/data/version-2 | wc -l | tr -d '[:space:]'')
ZOOKEEPER_LOG_FILE_COUNT=$($dcr zookeeper bash -c 'ls 2>/dev/null -Ubad1 -- /var/lib/zookeeper/log/version-2/* | wc -l | tr -d '[:space:]'')
Expand All @@ -251,24 +268,27 @@ if [[ "$ZOOKEEPER_SNAPSHOT_FOLDER_EXISTS" -eq 1 ]]; then
$dc run -d -e ZOOKEEPER_SNAPSHOT_TRUST_EMPTY=true zookeeper
echo "${_endgroup}"

echo "Bootstrapping and migrating Snuba..."
echo "${_group}Bootstrapping and migrating Snuba ..."
$dcr snuba-api bootstrap --no-migrate --force
$dcr snuba-api migrations migrate --force
echo ""
echo "${_endgroup}"

echo "${_group}Creating additional Kafka topics ..."
# NOTE: This step relies on `kafka` being available from the previous `snuba-api bootstrap` step
# XXX(BYK): We cannot use auto.create.topics as Confluence and Apache hates it now (and makes it very hard to enable)
EXISTING_KAFKA_TOPICS=$($dcr kafka kafka-topics --list --bootstrap-server kafka:9092 2>/dev/null)
NEEDED_KAFKA_TOPICS="ingest-attachments ingest-transactions ingest-events"
for topic in $NEEDED_KAFKA_TOPICS; do
if ! echo "$EXISTING_KAFKA_TOPICS" | grep -wq $topic; then
echo "Creating additional Kafka topics..."
$dcr kafka kafka-topics --create --topic $topic --bootstrap-server kafka:9092
echo ""
echo "${_endgroup}"

echo "${_group}Ensuring proper PostgreSQL version ..."
# Very naively check whether there's an existing sentry-postgres volume and the PG version in it
if [[ -n "$(docker volume ls -q --filter name=sentry-postgres)" && "$(docker run --rm -v sentry-postgres:/db busybox cat /db/PG_VERSION 2>/dev/null)" == "9.5" ]]; then
docker volume rm sentry-postgres-new || true
Expand All @@ -289,9 +309,9 @@ if [[ -n "$(docker volume ls -q --filter name=sentry-postgres)" && "$(docker run
# Finally, remove the new old volume as we are all in sentry-postgres now
docker volume rm sentry-postgres-new
echo "${_endgroup}"

echo ""
echo "Setting up database..."
echo "${_group}Setting up database ..."
if [[ -n "$CI" || "$SKIP_USER_PROMPT" == 1 ]]; then
$dcr web upgrade --noinput
echo ""
Expand All @@ -303,52 +323,58 @@ if [[ -n "$CI" || "$SKIP_USER_PROMPT" == 1 ]]; then
$dcr web upgrade
echo "${_endgroup}"

echo "${_group}Migrating file storage ..."
SENTRY_DATA_NEEDS_MIGRATION=$(docker run --rm -v sentry-data:/data alpine ash -c "[ ! -d '/data/files' ] && ls -A1x /data | wc -l || true")
if [[ -n "$SENTRY_DATA_NEEDS_MIGRATION" ]]; then
echo "Migrating file storage..."
# Use the web (Sentry) image so the file owners are kept as sentry:sentry
# The `\"` escape pattern is to make this compatible w/ Git Bash on Windows. See #329.
$dcr --entrypoint \"/bin/bash\" web -c \
"mkdir -p /tmp/files; mv /data/* /tmp/files/; mv /tmp/files /data/files; chown -R sentry:sentry /data"
echo "${_endgroup}"

echo "${_group}Generating Relay credentials ..."
if [[ ! -f "$RELAY_CREDENTIALS_JSON" ]]; then
echo ""
echo "Generating Relay credentials..."

# We need the ugly hack below as `relay generate credentials` tries to read the config and the credentials
# even with the `--stdout` and `--overwrite` flags and then errors out when the credentials file exists but
# not valid JSON. We hit this case as we redirect output to the same config folder, creating an empty
# credentials file before relay runs.
$dcr --no-deps -v $(pwd)/$RELAY_CONFIG_YML:/tmp/config.yml relay --config /tmp credentials generate --stdout > "$RELAY_CREDENTIALS_JSON"
echo "Relay credentials written to $RELAY_CREDENTIALS_JSON"
echo "${_endgroup}"

echo "${_group}Setting up GeoIP integration ..."
source ./install/

echo "${_endgroup}"

if [[ "$MINIMIZE_DOWNTIME" ]]; then
echo "${_group}Waiting for Sentry to start ..."
# Start the whole setup, except nginx and relay.
$dc up -d --remove-orphans $($dc config --services | grep -v -E '^(nginx|relay)$')
$dc exec -T nginx service nginx reload

echo "Waiting for Sentry to start..."
docker run --rm --network="${COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME}_default" alpine ash \
-c 'while [[ "$(wget -T 1 -q -O- http://web:9000/_health/)" != "ok" ]]; do sleep 0.5; done'

# Make sure everything is up. This should only touch relay and nginx
$dc up -d
echo "${_endgroup}"
echo ""
echo "----------------"
echo "-----------------------------------------------------------------"
echo ""
echo "You're all done! Run the following command to get Sentry running:"
echo ""
echo " docker-compose up -d"
echo ""
echo "-----------------------------------------------------------------"
echo ""

echo "${_group}Checking Python version ..."
source ./install/
echo "${_endgroup}"
8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -e

echo "::group::Setting up variables and helpers ..."
export SENTRY_TEST_HOST="${SENTRY_TEST_HOST:-http://localhost:9000}"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -31,13 +32,17 @@ cleanup () {
echo "Done."
trap_with_arg cleanup ERR INT TERM EXIT
echo "::endgroup::"

echo "::group::Starting Sentry for tests ..."
# Disable beacon for e2e tests
echo 'SENTRY_BEACON=False' >> sentry/
docker-compose run --rm web createuser --superuser --email $TEST_USER --password $TEST_PASS || true
docker-compose up -d
printf "Waiting for Sentry to be up"; timeout 60 bash -c 'until $(curl -Isf -o /dev/null $SENTRY_TEST_HOST); do printf '.'; sleep 0.5; done'
echo "::endgroup::"

echo "::group::Running tests ..."
get_csrf_token () { awk '$6 == "sc" { print $7 }' $COOKIE_FILE; }
sentry_api_request () { curl -s -H 'Accept: application/json; charset=utf-8' -H "Referer: $SENTRY_TEST_HOST" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H "X-CSRFToken: $(get_csrf_token)" -b "$COOKIE_FILE" -c "$COOKIE_FILE" "$SENTRY_TEST_HOST/api/0/$1" ${@:2}; }

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -70,7 +75,9 @@ do
echo "$LOGIN_RESPONSE" | grep "$i[,}]" >& /dev/null
echo "Pass."
echo "::endgroup::"

echo "::group::Running moar tests !!!"
# Set up initial/required settings (InstallWizard request)
sentry_api_request "internal/options/?query=is:required" -X PUT --data '{"mail.use-tls":false,"mail.username":"","mail.port":25,"system.admin-email":"","mail.password":"","mail.from":"root@localhost","system.url-prefix":"'"$SENTRY_TEST_HOST"'","auth.allow-registration":false,"beacon.anonymous":true}' > /dev/null

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -105,3 +112,4 @@ do
echo "$EVENT_RESPONSE" | grep "$i[,}]" >& /dev/null
echo "Pass."
echo "::endgroup::"

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