Implementation of a BLE device implementing information and consent mechanisms in the context of an IoT system collecting personal information.
This application is for demonstration purposes only, it should not be used in an industrial context as is.
- the arduino should be updated to its latest version (the version used for the demo is 1.8.19)
- some additional libraries must be installed: arduinojson (latest 5.x), manual install of BLECarrousel
- you have to install esp32 boards (using in settings additional boards manager urls), in our case we use the ESP32C3 dev module
- other settings must be left by default, but be careful about the port (/dev/ttyUSBx): one may require sudo privileges
- the code needs to be compiled (Ctrl+R), then uploaded to the device (Ctrl+U)
- setup() is the main function, in which we define the ADPC notice and various required functions
- MyConsentCallBack is for the GATT service, the function onWrite displays the consents retrieved in the terminal
- other functions are not to be touched
- in the code, string s1 needs to escape with \ when using "", no newline (otherwise character encoding issue)
- the size of the notice communicated is hardcoded
- upload may fail due to corruption of the data communicated, simply try again in that case
- the mobile app may not disconnect properly, in that case simply reboot the device