Deepin Union Code is a lightweight integrated development environment independently developed by Deepin Technology, featured with multilingual and cross platform compatibility.
The master branch is current development branch, build dependencies may changes without update, refer to ./debian/control
for a working build depends list
- debhelper (>=9),
- dh-systemd,
- cmake,
- qt5-qmake,
- qtbase5-dev,
- qttools5-dev,
- qttools5-dev-tools,
- lxqt-build-tools (>= 0.6.0~),
- libssl-dev,
- llvm (>=1:7~),
- libclang-dev (>=1:7~),
- libutf8proc-dev,
- libcurl-dev,
- libmicrohttpd-dev,
- libjsoncpp-dev,
- libargtable2-dev,
- libhiredis-dev,
- catch,
- libzstd-dev,
- libjson-c-dev,
- libelf-dev,
- libcapstone-dev,
- libunwind-dev,
- libelfin-dev,
- libdbus-1-dev,
- libxi-dev,
- qtscript5-dev,
- libqt5scripttools5
- Make sure you have installed all dependencies.
$ git clone
$ cd unioncode
$ sudo apt build-dep ./
- Build:
$ cmake -B build -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr
$ cmake --build build
- Install:
$ sudo cmake --build build --target install
The executable binary file could be found at /usr/bin/deepin-unioncode
Execute deepin-unioncode
After the installation of deepin-unicode, some features require the installation of dependency packages before they can be used normally. This version is the root of debian10, which is consistent with the professional version. If you encounter any dependencies, you can directly download them at [Dependency Package Download Address]Find the corresponding package for installation in.
We encourage you to report issues and contribute changes
- Contribution guide for developers (English)
- 开发者代码贡献指南 (中文)
deepin-unioncode is licensed under GPL-3.0-or-later