SchemaGenerator takes in multiple JsonElements and creates an Avro Schema that can handle all cases given.
Uses Gson (gradle: for the JSON parsing.
You can find this Kotlin-package in Maven at
// Generate Schema
val jsonExample1 = JsonParser().parse("{'name1' : 5}")
val jsonExample2 = JsonParser().parse("{'name2':{'name3': 'my value'}}")
val avroGenerator = SchemaGenerator(jsonExample1, "MyExample", "Testing my schema", "MyNamespace")
avroGenerator.addExample(jsonExample2) // add as many examples as you like
val schema = avroGenerator.generateSchema()
// Print Schema
// Parse JSON from Schema
val example1: GenericRecord =
Parse.avroRecordFromJson(jsonExample1.asJsonObject, schema) // if you know it's a JsonObject
val example2: Any = Parse.avroObjectFromJson(jsonExample1, schema)!! // if you don't know the Json type
// Show how to send both examples to Kafka:
val props = Properties()
props["bootstrap.servers"] = ""
props["key.serializer"] =
props["value.serializer"] =
props["schema.registry.url"] = ""
if (false) { // Don't send as the kafka urls are just examples
val kafkaProducer = KafkaProducer<String, GenericRecord>(props)
kafkaProducer.send(ProducerRecord("MyTopic", "MyExampleKey1", example1))
kafkaProducer.send(ProducerRecord("MyTopic", "MyExampleKey2", example2 as GenericRecord))
- First JSON example e.g. JsonParser().parse("{'test':5}")
. Use addExample to add more.
- a JSON string providing the name of the record. Will be put in the root node of the schema.
- a JSON string providing documentation to the user of this schema. Will be put in the root node of the schema.
- a JSON string that qualifies the namespace. Will be put in the root node of the schema.
Name | Signature | Comments |
<init> | AvroSchemaGenerator(rootNodeJson: JsonElement, rootName: String , rootDoc: String , rootNamespace: String ) |
AvroSchemaGenerator takes in multiple JsonElements and creates an Avro Schema that can handle all cases given. |
Name | Signature |
addExample | fun addExample(rootNodeJson: JsonElement): Unit |
generateSchema | fun generateSchema(): Schema |