Daniel Moran, 2019
poll-y is a web application developed with the student union of Technological University Dublin in mind. This app will allow users to bring forward new ideas, and if they get enough people interested in their new proposed ideas, the administrators will then be able to bring the proposition forward to a for or against vote, which any student will be able to participate in. We will then be able to visualize the results and see the general opinion on the students in the college on certain topics, which will allow the student union to know what new additions or changes to the college the students value most.
If you want to host a similar Symfony 4 project using Heroku I made a guide here on how to.
- Admin/User accounts
- Create propositions
- Support propositions (50 Supporters turns a proposition into a vote)
- Vote For/Against for each vote
- View results of finished votes
- Admin panel
- User/Vote/Comment CRUD
- Codeception testing
- Symfony 4
- HTML5/CSS3/JavaScript
- Twig
- Doctrine ORM
- Codeception