I successfully deployed a React webpage for an ice cream shop using AWS Amplify. The original HTML code was provided during an AWS lab, and I converted it into a React application while making several changes.
To deploy the app, I followed these steps:
Visit the AWS Amplify Console and sign in using my AWS account credentials.
Click the "Connect app" button to initiate the setup process. I selected "GitHub" as the repository service and granted AWS Amplify access to my GitHub account.
Choose the specific GitHub repository and branch that I intended to deploy. Once these selections were made, I clicked "Next" to proceed.
At the "Configure Build Settings" step, I had the option to adjust build settings if necessary. However, since Amplify automatically detected the appropriate build settings for my standard React app, I proceeded by clicking "Next" without making any changes.
Before finalizing the deployment, I meticulously reviewed all the settings to ensure accuracy and alignment with my requirements. Once I was content with the configuration, I clicked the "Save and deploy" button to initiate the deployment process.
Amplify seamlessly handled the deployment process:
- It fetched the code from my connected GitHub repository.
- It built the React app.
- It deployed the app on the Amplify platform. The build process typically took only a few minutes.
Upon completion of the deployment, I received a URL where my React app was hosted on Amplify. To access my deployed app, I simply visited this URL in my web browser.
From that point onward, Amplify automatically monitored any changes I made to the GitHub repository. If I pushed new commits to the configured branch, Amplify promptly triggered a new deployment, ensuring that my app remained up-to-date with the latest changes.
With my React app on AWS Amplify, I had the opportunity to further enhance and manage it by utilizing additional features and services available within the Amplify platform.