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This Shiny Dashboard provides a summarized analysis of Spotify data for a selected artist. The dashboard includes insights on key performance indicators (KPIs), interactive graphs, and a detailed table.
This dashboard presents summarized data for one artist. Only artists with at least 5 songs are included in the analysis. You can customize the dashboard theme in the theme tab.
This Shiny Dashboard provides a summarized analysis of Spotify data for a selected artist. The dashboard includes insights on key performance indicators (KPIs), interactive graphs, and a detailed table.
View of application :
This dashboard presents summarized data for one artist. Only artists with at least 5 songs are included in the analysis. You can customize the dashboard theme in the theme tab.
Home Tab Select the artist of interest from the dropdown menu. Engage in a chat with chatGPT to explore additional insights. KPI's Tab View key performance indicators (KPIs) for the selected artist. Metrics include the number of streams, tracks, artists, and genres. Graphic Tab Explore interactive plots depicting the number of tracks per year and genre popularity. Customize the theme in the "Thèmes" tab. Summary Tab Access a detailed table summarizing artist tracks. Sort, filter, and search to explore specific data. Thèmes Tab Adjust the dashboard theme to your preference using the theme selector.
Ensure you have R and Shiny installed on your machine. Clone the repository. Run the Shiny app by executing the following commands in R: R Copy code library(shiny) runApp("path/to/your/app") Make sure to replace "path/to/your/app" with the actual path to the app folder.
Shiny ggplot2 plotly shinydashboard DT viridis
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