To get started, go through this README
This is a collection of resources, example functions, and kernels for data science and analytics learning, made for the Developer Students Club Bayero University Kano (DSC BUK). Feel free to comment, fork, PR, and otherwise support the growth of this project, thank you.
- A Python 3 Installation
- An R installation : (Anaconda Distribution is our recommended means of simultaneaously fulfilling the above two requirements)
- A code editor (Visual Studio Code comes recommended, although there are other options like Atom, Sublime Text, Vim, Spyder, Eric, et cetera)
- An installation of RStudio (comes included with Anaconda)
Check out the Getting Started Instructions
- Fork this repo
- Make your changes in your fork
- Make a Pull Request to this repo
If you need help, kindly post a message in the DSCBUK group or open an issue on this repo.