A repository to explore the Vast Open Source ecosystem by encouraging developers to take the first step in coding with programming languages such as Python, CPP, C, Java, etc.
To contribute to this repository, we encourage you to follow the following format -
Create a account on Github
Register yourself for Hacktoberfest.
This is the link of the repository that you guys will be contributing to. https://github.com/DSC-BVP/OpenSourceForAll/
Star this repository
Fork this repository on your profile
Open Terminal and type in these commands
$ cd Desktop
$ git clone (paste the url obtained from clicking on "Clone or download" option on YOUR OWN PROFILE)
$ cd OpenSourceForAll
Make a file following the given format: . (fileExtension can be - cpp, py, c, java depending upon which language you choose to code in) Note that you may use any language you are comfortable in to do the same.
Open this file in a code editor of your choice
Make a basic program to print - # What you love about OpenSource.
Once you have completed the program - You can create a Pull Request to integrate your contribution into the global remote repository.
Language: Python
File Name - Pikachu.py
File Content -
print('I love Open Source because it helps me collaborate with other pokemons on projects which target a diverse skillset')