About BoaConsulta.com
BoaConsulta is a appointment booking service online for patient find doctors. Any stats about BoaConsulta:
- 33 thousands specialists
- 750 thousands patients
- 1 million monthly searches
- 1 and a half million schedules per year
This test is for we know your skills in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Quality of code and your logic.
First, make a fork and clone the project in your computer and create a new branch with your-name.
After setup project you will need this instructions for make your application:
- Develop page based in layout team-page-creativepox.sketch
- If you no have sketch you can use Invision Studio or Zeplin its is free
- Use Marvel public api
- Create filter by name in header
- Submit a pull request and send mail to dev@boaconsulta.com
- Write code with VueJS, React or Angular
- Use a CSS preprocessor of your choice.
- Tests and Documentation
- Webpack
- Web Semantic
- Be faithful to the layout
- Responsive
- Your project use TypeScript
- Your project maintain page status even after loading
- Your project has accessibility
- Your project user SSR
- Your project has speed
The data present in this test are totally fictitious.