d3p is an implementation of the differentially private variational inference (DP-VI) algorithm [2] for NumPyro, using JAX for auto-differentiation and fast execution on CPU and GPU.
It is designed to provide differential privacy guarantees for tabular data, where each individual contributed a single sensitive record (/ data point / example).
The software is under ongoing development and specific interfaces may change suddenly.
Since both NumPyro and JAX are evolving rapdily, some convenience features implemented in d3p are made obsolete by being introduced in these upstream packages. In that case, they will be gradually replaced but there might be some lag time.
The main component of d3p
is the implementation of DP-VI in the d3p.svi.DPSVI
It is intended to work as a drop-in replacement of NumPyro's numpyro.svi.SVI
and works
with models specified using NumPyro distributions and modelling features.
For a general introduction on writing models for NumPyro, please refer to the NumPyro documentation.
Then instead of numpyro.svi.SVI
, you can simply use d3p.svi.DPSVI
Since it provides differential privacy, there are additional parameters to the DPSVI
class compared to numpyro.svi.SVI
Differential privacy requires gradients of individual data points (examples) in your data set
to be clipped to a maximum norm, to limit the contribution any single example can have. The parameter clipping_threshold
sets the threshold over which these gradient norms are clipped.
This is the scale of the noise σ for the Gaussian mechanism that is used to perturb gradients in DP-VI update steps
to turn it into a differentially-private inference algorithm. The larger dp_scale
is, the greater the privacy
guarantees (expressed by parameters (ε,δ)) are.
Note: The final scale of the noise applied by the Gaussian mechanism is dp_scale
, to properly
account for the maximum size of the gradient norm.
How to select: d3p
offers the d3p.dputil.approximate_sigma
function to find the dp_scale
parameter for
a choice of ε and δ (and the minibatch size) using the Fourier accountant. Unfortunately, research on appropriate values for ε and δ is still ongoing, but common practice is to select δ to be much smaller than 1/N, where N is the size of your data set, and ε not larger than one.
JAX's default pseudo-random number generator is not known to be cryptographically secure, which is required for meaningful
privacy in practice. d3p
therefore relies on our jax-chacha-prng
cryptographically secure PRNG package through d3p.random
as the default PRNG for DPSVI
to sample noise related to privacy.
However, you if you want to use JAX's default PRNG, which is a bit faster, during debugging, you can use
the rng_suite
parameter to pass the d3p.random.debug
module, which is a slim wrapper around JAX's PRNG.
Note: The choice for rng_suite
does not affect definition of the model (or variational guide)
or any purely modelling and sampling related functionality of NumPyro/JAX. These still all use JAX's default PRNG.
DP-VI relies on uniform sampling of random minibatches for each update step to guarantee privacy. This is different from simply shuffling the data set and taking consecutive batches from it, as is often done in machine learning.
implements a high-performant GPU-optimised minibatch sampling routine in d3p.minibatch.subsample_batchify_data
for sampling without replacement.
It accepts the data set and a minibatch size (or, equivalently, a subsampling ratio) and returns functions
and batchify_sample
which initialise a batchifier state from a rng_key
and sample a random minibatch given the batchifier state respectively.
Similarly, d3p.minibatch.poisson_batchify_data
implements Poisson subsampling of batches given a sampling probability q
For architectural reasons, poisson_batchify_data
always returns a (padded) array of a fixed maximum batch size and indicates
the padded entries in a Boolean mask which is also returned alongside each batch.
only requires the model
function to be properly setup for minibatches of independent data. This
means users must use the plate
primitive of NumPyro in their model implementation to properly annotate individual
data points as stochastically independent. If this is not properly done, the relative contribution of the prior
distributions for parameters will be overemphasized during the inference.
As a very brief example, we consider logistic regression and define the model as:
import jax.numpy as jnp
import jax
from numpyro.infer import Trace_ELBO
from numpyro.optim import Adam
from numpyro.primitives import sample, plate
from numpyro.distributions import Normal, Bernoulli
from numpyro.infer.autoguide import AutoDiagonalNormal
from d3p.minibatch import poisson_batchify_data
from d3p.svi import DPSVI
from d3p.dputil import approximate_sigma_remove_relation
import d3p.random
def sigmoid(x):
return 1./(1+jnp.exp(-x))
# specifies the model p(ys, w | xs) using NumPyro features
def model(xs, ys, N):
# obtain data dimensions
batch_size, d = xs.shape
# the prior for w
w = sample('w', Normal(0, 4),sample_shape=(d,))
# distribution of label y for each record x
with plate('batch', N, batch_size):
theta = sigmoid(xs.dot(w))
sample('ys', Bernoulli(theta), obs=ys)
guide = AutoDiagonalNormal(model) # variational guide approximates posterior of theta and w with independent Gaussians
def infer(data, labels, q, num_iter, epsilon, delta, seed):
rng_key = d3p.random.PRNGKey(seed)
# set up minibatch sampling
expected_batch_size = int(q * len(data))
batchifier_init, get_batch = poisson_batchify_data((data, labels), q, max_batch_size=2 * expected_batch_size)
_, batchifier_state = batchifier_init(rng_key)
# set up DP-VI algorithm
dp_scale, _, _ = approximate_sigma_remove_relation(epsilon, delta, q, num_iter)
loss = Trace_ELBO()
optimiser = Adam(1e-3)
clipping_threshold = 10.
dpsvi = DPSVI(model, guide, optimiser, loss, clipping_threshold, dp_scale, N=len(data))
svi_state = dpsvi.init(rng_key, *get_batch(0, batchifier_state))
# run inference
def step_function(i, svi_state):
(data_batch, label_batch), mask = get_batch(i, batchifier_state)
svi_state, loss = dpsvi.update(svi_state, data_batch, label_batch, mask=mask)
return svi_state
svi_state = jax.lax.fori_loop(0, num_iter, step_function, svi_state)
return dpsvi.get_params(svi_state)
See the examples/
for more examples.
d3p is pure Python software. You can install it via the pip command line tool
pip install d3p
This will install d3p with all required dependencies (NumPyro, JAX, ..) for CPU usage.
You can also install the latest development version via pip with the following command:
pip install git+https://github.com/DPBayes/d3p.git@master#egg=d3p
Alternatively, you can clone this git repository and install with pip locally:
git clone https://github.com/DPBayes/d3p
cd d3p
pip install .
If you want to run the included examples, use the examples
installation target:
pip install .[examples]
NumPyro and JAX are still under ongoing development and its developers currently give no guarantee that the API remains stable between releases. In order to allow for users of d3p to benefit from latest features of NumPyro, we did not put a strict upper bound on the NumPyro dependency version. This may lead to problems if newer NumPyro versions introduce breaking API changes.
If you encounter such issues at some point,
you can use the compatible-dependencies
installation target of d3p to force usage of the latest
known set of dependency versions known to be compatible with d3p:
pip install git+https://github.com/DPBayes/d3p.git@master#egg=d3p[compatible-dependencies]
d3p supports hardware acceleration on CUDA devices. You will need to make sure that you have the CUDA libraries set up on your system as well as a working compiler for C++.
You can then install d3p using
pip install d3p[cuda] -f https://storage.googleapis.com/jax-releases/jax_cuda_releases.html
Unfortunately, the jax-chacha-prng
package which provides the secure randomness
generator d3p relies on does not provide prebuilt packages for CUDA, so will need to
reinstall it from sources. To do so, issue the following command after the previous one:
pip install --force-reinstall --no-binary jax-chacha-prng "jax-chacha-prng<2"
TPUs are currently not supported.
The master
branch contains the latest development version of d3p which may introduce breaking changes.
Version numbers adhere to Semantic Versioning. Changes between releases are tracked in ChangeLog.txt
d3p is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License. The full license text is available
in LICENSES/Apache-2.0.txt
. Copyright holder of each contribution are the respective
contributing developer or his or her assignee (i.e., universities or companies
owning the copyright of software contributed by their employees).
We thank the NVIDIA AI Technology Center Finland for their contribution of GPU performance benchmarking and optimisation.
When using d3p, please cite the following papers:
L. Prediger, N. Loppi, S. Kaski, A. Honkela. d3p - A Python Package for Differentially-Private Probabilistic Programming In Proceedings on Privacy Enhancing Technologies, 2022(2). Link: https://doi.org/10.2478/popets-2022-0052
J. Jälkö, O. Dikmen, A. Honkela. Differentially Private Variational Inference for Non-conjugate Models In Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence 2017 Proceedings of the 33rd Conference, UAI 2017. Link: http://auai.org/uai2017/proceedings/papers/152.pdf