A library for parsing, creating, and manipulating CSV data.
- avoiding memory leaks
- flexible and simplistic API
const std = @import("std");
const csv = @import("zig-csv");
const allocator = std.heap.allocator;
// parse CSV data
var table = csv.Table.init(allocator, csv.Settings.default());
defer table.deinit();
try table.parse(
// print all animals
const column_indexes_animal = try table.findColumnIndexesByKey(allocator, "animal");
defer allocator.free(column_indexes_animal);
var animals = table.getColumnByIndex(column_indexes_animal[0]);
while (animals.next()) |animal| {
std.debug.print("{s}", .{animal.value});
// replace a value
const column_indexes_id = try table.findColumnIndexesByKey(allocator, "id");
defer allocator.free(column_indexes_id);
const row_indexes_id_2 = try table.findRowIndexesByValue(allocator, column_indexes_id[0], "2");
defer allocator.free(row_indexes_id_2);
try table.replaceValue(row_indexes_id_2[0], column_indexes_animal[0], "porcupine");
// delete a column
try table.deleteColumnByIndex(column_indexes_id[0]);
// export back to CSV
const exported = try table.exportCSV(allocator);
defer allocator.free(exported);
More examples can be found in src/tests.zig
The documentation is created in the directory docs/
when running zig build