We created a journey of two pages, initially:
- location input page
- location-specific risk summary page
For the MVP, search is based on either postcode or town input.
Content components:
- Headline risk now
- Headline risk forecast
- All current warnings or alerts in or near the area searched
- Content route to see possible extent of flooding
- Get flood warnings by phone, text or email
- Content route to see how current river levels might impact this and nearby areas.
- Check river levels that affect the area searched
- Contact details for Floodline telephone number
- Content route to insurance-related info.
- Content route to flooding history for an individual property
- Content route to planning-related info
- Notification if location is in a flood risk area
- Content route to further information about what to do to prepare for a flood or during a flood.
- Content route enabling user to report a flood or a source of flooding
Other features:
Access to map auto-centred on the location entered. Basic nav functionality; no layers at this point.
Basic, word-based link to transport information and weather information, in order to validate user interest and usefulness.
Five scenarios created in order to test preliminary ideas with users.
Scenario 1
Warnings and an alert in force in the area
Scenario 2
NO Warnings in force in this area
2. POST-CODE search
Scenario 3
Postcode is within a warning TA that is currently in force
One warnings near by
One alert near by
Scenario 4
NO Warnings in force in this area
Scenario 5
Post code is within an alert area that is in force
Two flood warnings near by