Microservice to consume event updates from Dangerous Dogs Index and persist in event store.
flowchart LR
aphw-ddi-events(Kubernetes - aphw-ddi-events)
topic-events[Azure Service Bus Topic - aphw-ddi-events]
topic-alert[Azure Service Bus Topic - aphw-ddi-alert]
storage-events[Azure Table Storage - events]
storage-bcomments[Azure Table Storage - comments]
storage-warnings[Azure Table Storage - warnings]
topic-events ==> aphw-ddi-events
aphw-ddi-events ==> storage-events
aphw-ddi-events ==> storage-commets
aphw-ddi-events ==> storage-warnings
aphw-ddi-events ==> topic-alert
This service publishes responses as messages to Azure Service Bus topics.
Name | Description |
Azure Service Bus hostname, e.g. myservicebus.servicebus.windows.net |
Azure Service Bus SAS policy name, e.g. RootManageSharedAccessKey |
Azure Service Bus SAS policy key |
Developer initials, optional, will be automatically added to topic names, e.g. -jw |
Azure Service Bus topic name for events, e.g. aphw-ddi-eventss |
Azure Service Bus subscription name for events, e.g. dangerous-dogs-index-event-hub |
Azure Service Bus topic name for events, e.g. dangerous-dogs-index-alert |
All message schemas are fully documented in an AsyncAPI specification.
These configuration values should be set in the docker-compose.yaml file or Helm values file if running Kubernetes.
Name | Description |
Azure App Insights cloud role |
Azure App Insights connection string |
Docker Compose can be used to build the container image.
docker-compose build
The service will file watch application and test files so no need to rebuild the container unless a change to an npm package is made.
The service can be run using the start script.
This script accepts any Docker Compose Up argument.
You will need to have a .env
file in the root of this project with the following contents:
export MESSAGE_QUEUE_HOST="SNDFFCINFSB1001.servicebus.windows.net"
export MESSAGE_QUEUE_USER="RootManageSharedAccessKey"
export MESSAGE_QUEUE_PASSWORD="<replace-with-password-from-service-bus-access-policy>"
export MESSAGE_QUEUE_SUFFIX="-<replace-with-dev-initials>"
A debugger can be attached to the running application using port 9980
The output of this service is an entry or entries added to the Azure Table Storage tables following receipt of a valid event received from the Azure Service Bus subscription.
Use the AsyncAPI specification to obtain a test input and submit to the Azure Service Bus topic, aphw-ddi-events
You can use the Azure Storage Explorer to view the contents of the Azure Table Storage tables.
The service can be stopped using the stop script.
The script accepts any Docker Compose Down argument.
For example, to stop the service and clear all data volumes.
./scripts/stop -v
The service can be tested using the test script.
The script accepts the following arguments:
- run tests with file watching to support Test Driven Development scenarios (TDD)--debug/-d
- run tests in debug mode. Same as watch mode but will wait for a debugger to be attached before running tests.
process.env.AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME = 'devstoreaccount1' process.env.AZURE_STORAGE_CONNECTION_STRING = 'UseDevelopmentStorage=true'
In order to run a single test or group of tests, you can use
npm run test <path>/<filename>
npm run test owner.test.js
However, you will need to copy these lines into your jest.setup.js temporarily, and do not check in any changes to jest.setup.js
process.env.AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME = 'devstoreaccount1'
process.env.AZURE_STORAGE_CONNECTION_STRING = 'UseDevelopmentStorage=true'
This service uses the FFC CI pipeline.
The following attribution statement MUST be cited in your products and applications when using this information.
Contains public sector information licensed under the Open Government license v3
The Open Government Licence (OGL) was developed by the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office (HMSO) to enable information providers in the public sector to license the use and re-use of their information under a common open licence.
It is designed to encourage use and re-use of information freely and flexibly, with only a few conditions.